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What enormous taxes is that?
This isn't the place for this but since you asked,
Did you think you get that health care and the rest for FREE?

UK Vs US Tax Rates - Which country pays the most taxes?​

Understanding UK and USA Tax Systems​

The tax systems in the UK and the US have significant differences. For instance, while the UK has a progressive tax system with rates ranging from 20% to 45%, the US federal tax rates vary from 10% to 37%. Additionally, the USA taxes its citizens and residents on their worldwide income, whereas the UK taxes are based on residence and domicile status. This fundamental difference can significantly impact your tax liability when moving to the UK from the USA.
In America the IRS allows couples (husband, wives and civil partners) to file a combined tax return. This is not allowed in the United Kingdom by HMRC. Each individual will need to file an individual self-assessment tax return.
The United Kingdom under HMRC only have one tax regime for the country. The United States has a federal tax under the IRS, a state tax and potentially a city tax. As an example of someone who lives in the rather expensive New York City.
Let’s look at a few examples using a currency conversion rate of £1:$1.25
The examples below have been updated for 2023/24 in the United Kingdom and 2024 in the United States
– £25,000/$31,250 income = 20% UK vs 12% US
– £50,000/$62,500 income = 40% UK vs 22% US
– £100,000/$125,00 income = 40% UK vs 24% US
– £150,000/$187,500 income = 45% UK Vs24% US
This isn't the place for this but since you asked,
Did you think you get that health care and the rest for FREE?

UK Vs US Tax Rates - Which country pays the most taxes?​

Understanding UK and USA Tax Systems​

The tax systems in the UK and the US have significant differences. For instance, while the UK has a progressive tax system with rates ranging from 20% to 45%, the US federal tax rates vary from 10% to 37%. Additionally, the USA taxes its citizens and residents on their worldwide income, whereas the UK taxes are based on residence and domicile status. This fundamental difference can significantly impact your tax liability when moving to the UK from the USA.
In America the IRS allows couples (husband, wives and civil partners) to file a combined tax return. This is not allowed in the United Kingdom by HMRC. Each individual will need to file an individual self-assessment tax return.
The United Kingdom under HMRC only have one tax regime for the country. The United States has a federal tax under the IRS, a state tax and potentially a city tax. As an example of someone who lives in the rather expensive New York City.
Let’s look at a few examples using a currency conversion rate of £1:$1.25
The examples below have been updated for 2023/24 in the United Kingdom and 2024 in the United States
– £25,000/$31,250 income = 20% UK vs 12% US
– £50,000/$62,500 income = 40% UK vs 22% US
– £100,000/$125,00 income = 40% UK vs 24% US
– £150,000/$187,500 income = 45% UK Vs24% US
I retired in 2022, havent paid a penny in tax since 👍
The chart above doesn't say that the first £12,500 of earnings in the UK is tax free so we would pay 20% of £12,500 if we earned £25,000, nowhere near as bad as it looks
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I retired in 2022, havent paid a penny in tax since 👍
The chart above doesn't say that the first £12,500 of earnings in the UK is tax free so we would pay 20% of £12,500 if we earned £25,000, nowhere near as bad as it looks
We have a personal exemption of $13,850 which is kind of the same thing.
I always underestimate the amount of work something takes. UGH.
We've gotten to the point where I say "I'll finish it sometime this year, definitely, for sure..."

For any project:
Actual time spent x time estimated = 3.14159265
Actual money spent x money estimated = 1.359265 (If one is lucky)
This thread:
Where did you find this GIF of me three years ago?? :ROFLMAO:
For any project:
Actual time spent x time estimated = 3.14159265
Actual money spent x money estimated = 1.359265 (If one is lucky)
If you take long enough you'll forget why you started in the first place!