Simply random stuff


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I'm not going to be anywhere it's 0 degrees in the morning! Besides I have a fence and just let the dogs out.

I just realized I haven't listened to this album in a while. Time to give it a spin.
We're having some nice warm weather here in central IL. Well, today and part of tomorrow. Then the bottom falls out again. Today, 70, tomorrow 70, then Wednesday 33, dropping to 19 at night.
Yeah we do that 'round here I've noticed. o_O
Habitual Line Stepper, Habitual Track Jumper…
Guilty as charged 🙃
We're having some nice warm weather here in central IL. Well, today and part of tomorrow. Then the bottom falls out again. Today, 70, tomorrow 70, then Wednesday 33, dropping to 19 at night.
You have my sympathy. 🤪
I'm one of the few people I know who gets depressed when spring arrives because it means the end of the ski season. In the last several years, I've be getting depressed earlier and earlier in the year. As for Florida, it's great for the the sun and heat lovers. God bless you...and throw out all of the snowbirds! :ROFLMAO:
I'm one of the few people I know who gets depressed when spring arrives because it means the end of the ski season. In the last several years, I've be getting depressed earlier and earlier in the year. As for Florida, it's great for the the sun and heat lovers. God bless you...and throw out all of the snowbirds! :ROFLMAO:
I absolutely LOVE spring. I mean, being cold all the time, I hate it. Then there's the whole static electricity shit in our house when the furnace is running. Am I the only one who gets shocked when I wash my hands in the winter?, I mean, the water shocks me. Dumb.
I absolutely LOVE spring. I mean, being cold all the time, I hate it. Then there's the whole static electricity shit in our house when the furnace is running. Am I the only one who gets shocked when I wash my hands in the winter?, I mean, the water shocks me. Dumb.
Do you get shocks if you're playing Van Der Graaf Generator? 🤪
Sometimes when listening to Pink Floyd I get a short, sharp, shock. fact I feel it...coming....your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying....

Boonie, we appreciate you trying to help us understand this phenomenon. But frankly, we don't need no education.
Does it ever happen to you when you simply have NO idea what someone is talking about? lol.
If it seems like a non sequitor you are right - I believe the mods moved it from another thread which had “jumped the tracks”…
If you are not familiar with the graphic I posted…
Do yourself a favor and Google “Charlie Murphy’s True Hollywood Stories” from The Chapelle Show.
He was a member of the cast and not incidentally Eddie Murphy’s brother.
He tells stories of hanging out with Rick James and Prince which Dave Chapelle then acts out.
They may be 2 of the funniest skits I have ever seen in my life…the Rick James probably has the edge because they also include an interview with him…which may be funnier than the skit itself 🤣
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For any project:
Actual time spent x time estimated = 3.14159265
Actual money spent x money estimated = 1.359265 (If one is lucky)
I barely understand 24/192 vs 8-bit chiptunes and you’re going to make me do math? And while I’m worried about tax season? This was my safe space.

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