Simply random stuff


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I have a land line and for what it costs I will never part with it.....I have had to use it when we have power outages here.....
I had a standard POTS copper phone line about 15 years ago. FIOS came to the area and I jumped at it. I kept my phone number, but my connection to the telco was no longer powered by their big battery (I worked for Western Electric many uears ago, and the basement of the building was full of gigantic lead-acid batteries) and powered by my home’s electric utility. Power there was not reliable - we would lose power for two days every time we had a storm, and we had two or three each year.

FIOS was a huge improvement over dial-up Internet and satellite TV (which also failed whenever the weather acted up).

When we moved to Idaho six years ago, we kept our cell phones. We now have cable Internet, but no need for land lines. YMMV, of course.
I had a standard POTS copper phone line about 15 years ago. FIOS came to the area and I jumped at it. I kept my phone number, but my connection to the telco was no longer powered by their big battery (I worked for Western Electric many uears ago, and the basement of the building was full of gigantic lead-acid batteries) and powered by my home’s electric utility. Power there was not reliable - we would lose power for two days every time we had a storm, and we had two or three each year.

FIOS was a huge improvement over dial-up Internet and satellite TV (which also failed whenever the weather acted up).

When we moved to Idaho six years ago, we kept our cell phones. We now have cable Internet, but no need for land lines. YMMV, of course.
Here when our power goes out, our ADSL goes out. The landline goes out. The phone company here no longer keeps battery backup. When the prior telco was around, I toured their building and saw one really huge battery.
4 days until fiber hookup, then we're ditching the telco. We depend on internet and wifi off the router for our cell phones as there are no close towers.
Fiber install moved up to Monday Afternoon! Yikes. 2GB symmetrical, no data caps, no throttling, port forwarding.
I'm not totally up to speed on fiber routers, but this is the one provided by the ISP:
Fortunately it has 4 ethernet ports, as thats the way my cable runs are set up.
My main pc, wife's pc, tv, and a gigabit switch for another pc, avr, and the disc players.
Fiber install moved up to Monday Afternoon! Yikes. 2GB symmetrical, no data caps, no throttling, port forwarding.
I'm not totally up to speed on fiber routers, but this is the one provided by the ISP:
Fortunately it has 4 ethernet ports, as thats the way my cable runs are set up.
My main pc, wife's pc, tv, and a gigabit switch for another pc, avr, and the disc players.
My cable modem/router has four Ethernet ports on it, too. One for the computer room, one for the bonus room bijou, one for the rest of the house, and one left over. Three of the ports have switches hanging on them.
The 17-year cicadas are long gone, but the dog-day cicadas are making a strong showing, and this one is looking for a way in!
Screenshot 2024-08-16 at 3.30.51 PM.png
Man, when I was a kid, I mowed yards and saved money for our yearly trip to visit relatives in N. Alabama. Eventually I could get my Dad or an Uncle to drive me to Knoxville to buy fireworks. Now I'd just as soon not hear all the racket. lol. Rockets are cool though.
Here's a random thought... this trend towards ridiculously tight cardboard sleeves where it is impossible to get the disc out of the middle section without ripping the cardboard needs to stop.
I'm guessing it is in response to all the people complaining about discs slipping during shipment. We sleep in our own waste, apparently.
Man, when I was a kid, I mowed yards and saved money for our yearly trip to visit relatives in N. Alabama. Eventually I could get my Dad or an Uncle to drive me to Knoxville to buy fireworks. Now I'd just as soon not hear all the racket. lol. Rockets are cool though.

At least the lawns in Florida are flat. You did grow up in Florida, Boonie? We didn't have power propelled mowers back then, so one of the first things we learned was how to do side hill mowing with a reel push mower. And it wasn't one of these. Look, the name is similar to Rolex:

[Edit: $1900 with the Honda engine!]
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At least the lawns in Florida are flat. You did grow up in Florida, Boonie? We didn't have power propelled mowers back then, so one of the first things we learned was how to do side hill mowing with a reel push mower. And it wasn't one of these. Look, the name is similar to Rolex:
The lawns where I grew up in the 50's and 60's had heavy clumps of some kind of grass that was a real bugger to cut. Those that had mowers had very large, heavy, push mowers that were rough for a kid to push. No one had any sort of riding mower. So you earned every penny you made pushing those darned things. No one had what I'd call a manicured lawn and certainly no one laid sod.
It was a company town, and though certainly no one was starving, no one was that well off either save a few big shots that had corporate titles. Still it was a great place to grow up.
Wait until you get to Atmos. There is a forum member that mixes extensively in 5.1...but he's been stepping out into Atmos of late and doing a hell of a job.
@Methuselah’s Grandpa , I don't think he'd mind me mentioning him. The man has talent, all I'm saying.
Thank you so much my friend, ...especially considering that you are a true surround sound enthusiast, so your opinion honestly means a lot to me!
I hope you get some enjoyment from my new official mixes on ImmersiveAudioAlbum (Kevin or I will probably be posting a new thread about the album soon), there's nothing I would love more than to just keep mixing and trying to get better at the craft.