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Every time I see a deer now, it reminds me of that scene in My Cousin Vinny between Joe Pesci and Marisa Tomei. 😂🤣

Bambi and Thumper - Bambi Photo (39862210) - Fanpop

"Have you seen my friend, Perpendicular, Mr. Bunny?"
Question is, how will they be paid for those streaming reruns. 🤔
Seems to be the crux of the issue with the union. Although in some respects I think actors are overpaid, but in another regard one wants to get a stake in all the money being made from their work. Corporations in the US are notorious for paying their executives outrageous sums of money while treating the people that actually get work done as low class slaves.
...and it continues to worsen. Executives get millions for making often stupid decisions while trying to maximize their income by paying workers sub-par wages.

A few years ago in a moment of candor not usually seen from the uber rich, a millionaire stated that in his opinion if the minimum wage had in any way kept up with the times, it would be up around $26/Hr.
What really pisses me off is how corporations do all these things but will pay enormous sums to lawyers and accountants to minimize the taxes they pay, often with obvious deception and offshore shell companies.
After WWII, the tax rate for corporations in the USA was often up in the 90 percentile range; it was considered patriotic to give back for the common welfare of all. I'm not saying that's how it should be, tax wise. But corporations today eschew any notion of right or wrong and go with what makes the millionaires happy.
Question is, how will they be paid for those streaming reruns. 🤔
Seems to me streaming is the real problem with the business model. Writers used to get paid for a season - 24 (or more) episodes. Streaming series are often less than 10. How do you pay someone a livable wage for 10 weeks of work. They are basically contractors hired for short term employment.
Streaming has also siphoned viewers away from the networks watering down the number of viewers, and consequently advertising revenue with it, making each episode less valuable. So less money to go around.
Seems to me streaming is the real problem with the business model. Writers used to get paid for a season - 24 (or more) episodes. Streaming series are often less than 10. How do you pay someone a livable wage for 10 weeks of work. They are basically contractors hired for short term employment.
Streaming has also siphoned viewers away from the networks watering down the number of viewers, and consequently advertising revenue with it, making each episode less valuable. So less money to go around.
Unfortunately, shorter seasons appears to be the way that it will be for the foreseeable future. If you’re lucky enough to be involved with a show that runs for two or more seasons then you would be able to receive better compensation. For example, I started watching Bosch after the original run ended. Like so so many others, I binge watched the entire run. If you can count number of views on YouTube, you can certainly count the number of times a given program is streamed. It seems to me that an equitable formula can be worked out based on the number of views. Of course, the definition of “equitable” depends on what side of the negotiating table you’re on.

I believe that actors should have ownership of their images and voices such that studios are forbidden from using AI generated facsimiles without explicit contractual consent from said actor.
Unfortunately, shorter seasons appears to be the way that it will be for the foreseeable future. If you’re lucky enough to be involved with a show that runs for two or more seasons then you would be able to receive better compensation. For example, I started watching Bosch after the original run ended. Like so so many others, I binge watched the entire run. If you can count number of views on YouTube, you can certainly count the number of times a given program is streamed. It seems to me that an equitable formula can be worked out based on the number of views. Of course, the definition of “equitable” depends on what side of the negotiating table you’re on.

I believe that actors should have ownership of their images and voices such that studios are forbidden from using AI generated facsimiles without explicit contractual consent from said actor.
Agree 100% with that last paragraph.
All over the place in these Nordic countries. In the US, people stock up on guns. In the Nordic countries they stock up on chain saws. 😂
I have a Husqvarna chain saw and mower. lol. Both are awesome, best chain saw I ever owned since a McCullough died years ago and I got the Husqvarna.
Actually I think my string trimmer is the same brand. lol.