Simply random stuff


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I have an ancient AOL e mail associated with QQ and that's about all I use it for. My favorite free e mail app is from ZOHO:
View attachment 107040

No snooping, no ad targeting, nicely organized graphics with extra office type tools like G Mail. But I also have a G Mail acct for all my daily main stream stuff. Because when verbally conveying my e mail addy to someone they would surely misinterpret zoho as soho. Everyone knows
I'm trying to get rid of my Verizon account, because it moved over to AOL and now every time I try to send an email through Outlook, I have to type in a second password. This might be the way to go. I'll see if it uses email client programs.
would a Tesla Optimus Robot (Model 2 or 3) at $20,000 be a good long term Robot/AI investment? I'm thinking that it would be like collecting a new high Tech. item like an early Apple computer; as this stuff will explode in the coming years (decades.)
*maybe it could even, do your laundry, wash dishes, vacuum, change a flat tire, walk the dog, fine tune your home surround system... and oh yeah,
hit that notification bell, because there goes your job 😉

It's coming

The 6800s would have needed a ton of peripherals to get anywhere close to being a PC. We had dedicated applications, and I eventually got pretty good at building products around them. I think we only had a couple of products that even had RS-232 ports on them, and none of them had interface screens. We had one that did put out NTSC/PAL video, but that was more of a screen-filler (used when we weren't actually playing tape) than anything else.

I built up an 8088 PC that eventually had two floppy drives, two 32MB hard drives, a math coprocessor, a 2400 baud modem, a color monitor, and a RAM drive. I used a relational database manager called PC-FILE-R, and it would exercise the disc drives like crazy, so the RAM drive was a godsend.

And these days I edit video and author blu-rays on my PC at home, not to mention chatting on message boards. Ain't science amazing!
Sweet. What do you use to author BD's if I may ask?
I'm trying to get rid of my Verizon account, because it moved over to AOL and now every time I try to send an email through Outlook, I have to type in a second password. This might be the way to go. I'll see if it uses email client programs.
Outlook on my Android phone is not working. Every few months I get it working, then it doesn't. Weird. I have Office 2019 Small Business on my pc and Outlook (mostly) works OK. I'm just used to all the iterations of Outlook since it's existed, and don't want to change.
Bill Schuffenhauer, 2002 Olympic Silver Medalist in the four-man bobsled, was at the Chicago Dogs game last night–i got to wear his medal! Too cool!
Have you watched MAINE CABIN MASTERS....on Magnolia network.... pretty interesting IMO
I always loved watching Tree House Masters. Every eps a spectacular tree house. In my mind I would visualize where the gear and the speakers would go. The perfect blend between nature & tech.
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Some things seem to be buggy lately. In Chrome, when I watch a YouTube video, I can't get rid of the closed captioning. It's getting pretty darn irritating as I have to keep moving the caption out of the way. I've been all through the settings to disable it but still there.
Anyone got a clue on this??
Hahaha etc. Hadn't really noticed the compulsory closed captioning on YT until tonight. Exhibit A as to how absurd it can be:

Edit. When I watch this on my PC the captions are there by default. When I check my posted link they are not there. Madness!

Anyway if you watch 500 Miles then choosingly click on the closed captions to see how silly they can be. I'm gonna blame some kind of AI.

Edit: I dunno. I'm pretty sure Jen broke the Internet.
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I'm trying to get rid of my Verizon account, because it moved over to AOL and now every time I try to send an email through Outlook, I have to type in a second password. This might be the way to go. I'll see if it uses email client programs.
Good luck with trying to get rid of Verizon...I set my goals more solving the energy crisis and a cure for cancer...when I was taking care of my sister I didn't have much choice in the small town where she lived.. so I had Verizon... but when I returned to Florida...I switched carriers but that didn't stop Verizon from sending me emails to come back....I had to go to the local Verizon store because they kept billing me...LONG after I closed my account...about 10 years ago I lived in a waterfront community and the only option I had was a DSL connection with(you guessed it) Verizon. So I had a problem and a repairman came to fix the problem with the he calls tech support and is put on hold....he was on hold for over 40 know why?...because the repair men out in the field DIDN'T have a direct line to tech support :rolleyes: he dialed the basic number that a customer would I got a Bill for $180...mostly based on the time he spent at my other words...the time he spent waiting on the phone...all he did was switch out the box...the actual work took 5 minutes...once he got connected to tech service..
Good luck with trying to get rid of Verizon...I set my goals more solving the energy crisis and a cure for cancer...when I was taking care of my sister I didn't have much choice in the small town where she lived.. so I had Verizon... but when I returned to Florida...I switched carriers but that didn't stop Verizon from sending me emails to come back....I had to go to the local Verizon store because they kept billing me...LONG after I closed my account...about 10 years ago I lived in a waterfront community and the only option I had was a DSL connection with(you guessed it) Verizon. So I had a problem and a repairman came to fix the problem with the he calls tech support and is put on hold....he was on hold for over 40 know why?...because the repair men out in the field DIDN'T have a direct line to tech support :rolleyes: he dialed the basic number that a customer would I got a Bill for $180...mostly based on the time he spent at my other words...the time he spent waiting on the phone...all he did was switch out the box...the actual work took 5 minutes...once he got connected to tech service..
Verizon DSL. Hmm. I did not know they did that. Not available here.
We've only had Verizon for cell service as it's about the only one that worked out here in the sticks of North Central Florida back many years ago. Still the closest cell tower is quite a few miles away and we piggy back off the DSL router's wifi for our cells here in the house.
We've stuck with them. About 2001 I got laid off from work and they gave us 3 months of cell service free.
Our DSL is from Kinetic/Windstream. I've never been charged for a service call from them.

But fiber is strung on the power lines down the driveway by the local power co-op and hope to be hooked up in August if their timeline holds true. Then we're ditching the DSL and land line for good. They were able to get grants to get started last year, and although we're last in line in our area, we are in the first area of roll out here in the boonies.
Many people, I assume, filled out a government online survey about high speed internet at the urging of the co-op. Kinetic, the satellite providers, etc fought it. But in the end we persevered. So instead of crappy DSL we will have 2 gig up/down fiber here at the Mandrix residence in a few months I hope.
Outlook on my Android phone is not working. Every few months I get it working, then it doesn't. Weird. I have Office 2019 Small Business on my pc and Outlook (mostly) works OK. I'm just used to all the iterations of Outlook since it's existed, and don't want to change.
I rarely use my phone for email. It’s an SE, and it’s tiny. On purpose. Right now I’m using an ipad, and the screen keyboard is a pain. I hardly even trxt with my phone because the keyboard is so small. I have a tower PC (pics in the build thread) that Imuse for any serious work. That’s where I use Outlook.
Good luck with trying to get rid of Verizon...I set my goals more solving the energy crisis and a cure for cancer...when I was taking care of my sister I didn't have much choice in the small town where she lived.. so I had Verizon... but when I returned to Florida...I switched carriers but that didn't stop Verizon from sending me emails to come back....I had to go to the local Verizon store because they kept billing me...LONG after I closed my account...about 10 years ago I lived in a waterfront community and the only option I had was a DSL connection with(you guessed it) Verizon. So I had a problem and a repairman came to fix the problem with the he calls tech support and is put on hold....he was on hold for over 40 know why?...because the repair men out in the field DIDN'T have a direct line to tech support :rolleyes: he dialed the basic number that a customer would I got a Bill for $180...mostly based on the time he spent at my other words...the time he spent waiting on the phone...all he did was switch out the box...the actual work took 5 minutes...once he got connected to tech service..
Actually, the email is free, so I won’t be billed for that. I have two verizon email addresses, and Outlook used to work fine with both of them, but when they sent all the email over to AOL, one of them stopped working and they instituted that stupid “third party” password nonsense. I can only get the second email through the web interface at AOL.

I started using Verizon when I got FIOS in Virginia, and it was awesome. I’ve been using it since I left prodigy, so there’s going to be a lot of legacy connections that I’m going to have to change, and that’s going to be a righteous PITA.