Do you have a recommended wet vac?
I've owned the VPI 16.5 for over 20 years.... I did notice they are 1000 bucks now!
There are cheaper versions though. But mine has worked fine all of this years... knock on wood. The VPI is not necessarily the best of the best but it will definitely ensure your records are not destroyed by dust and crud, and you can really hear the difference.
I'm thinking of an ultrasonic thing... some sort of a DIY. But, once you got the wet vac and your records are safe, the best investment will be to upgrade the turntable/tonearm/cartridge/phono preamp in that order... Once you've done that, then go back to the cleaning machine.
In any case, the cleaning machine should really be the
very first upgrade to a turntable because that will save your records from wear and tear.
Looking at the posted pictures, I'd recommend looking into for a used Linn LP12, post Valhalla with an Ittok tonearm. Get an entry level MM cartridge.... and eventually find a good phono preamp... so then you can upgrade to a MC.
Naturally, you gotta put your priorities right. I mean, if you only have 100 records then you're likely better off investing on something to stream digital sources the likes of Tidal HiFi, their masters sound really good! There are other HiRez streaming services, like Kobuz, but I haven't signed up for them... yet.
But, if you're sitting on thousands of LPs...

well, you likely have been building the analog side for eons so it becomes an incremental cost.
Oh, I recently picked up the Alan Parsons Eye In The Sky MoFi, 45RPM.