Steven Wilson Steven Wilson - The Harmony Codex (2023)


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Just now listening to EoS.
Trap hi-hats?

I wasn’t sure what you meant by trap hi-hats, so I listened to confirm that it’s what I feared - and what Rick Beato calls “cicada” hi-hat.

That is one of the most - if not THE most - unpleasant sounds I’ve ever heard in music. Nothing in my collection uses this sound, and I don’t plan on changing that. I have great respect for Steven Wilson, but in this case I’ll have to pass.
I wasn’t sure what you meant by trap hi-hats, so I listened to confirm that it’s what I feared - and what Rick Beato calls “cicada” hi-hat.

That is one of the most - if not THE most - unpleasant sounds I’ve ever heard in music. Nothing in my collection uses this sound, and I don’t plan on changing that. I have great respect for Steven Wilson, but in this case I’ll have to pass.
It is the most ubiquitous cliché in pop music.
Which is part of the reason I avoid pop music. Seriously - it hurts my soul.
I hear you on that. Between absurdly auto-tuned vocals and trap beats, it's often like an aural ice pick, for me.

It's not all bad, though. For instance, Manic, by Halsey is one of my all-time favorite records. It works for me. It makes me feel things.
It has ONE song that uses trap beats. Cool. Passes quickly. Gives a nod to a trend. Arguably works for the track. And there are like 15 other tracks to enjoy.

If SW doesn't overdo the effect (subjective, I know) I'll be ok. It's just an inauspicious way to introduce the record to me.
The Deluxe Edition ordered from the official Steven Wilson site is $71. I could live with that. But $30 shipping to Arizona (US). Give me a break!
But it was reported by Paul of SDE that it’s a signed copy by Steven Wilson. So, it’s worth the $30 Priority Mail shipping to me because I got to have that signed copy. Burning Shed gives you 4 postcards and a choice of lower cost shipping.
I was avoiding listening to it because I wanted to wait for the whole album. Your comment made me have to listen. I agree with fetchmybeer (above), it does have of Kid A vibe (which is an album that I like, when I am in the mood).
If this song isn't indicative of the entire album, I still am optimistic.
Right on the nail, definitely a Kid A vibe. Absolutely loathed the music video, too much artsy fartsy dancing. Take away the Trap hi-hats, it turns out to be a decent tune.
The new song to me is better than anything on the previous album. Rich, layered, beautiful when it crescendos, and I hear a bit of TFF influence as well (unsurprisingly).
It's that acoustic guitar, isn't it?
I don't think SW released a single in his entire career, but correct me if I'm wrong.
Cover Version was originally a bunch of singles.
I have dozens of special editions with instrumental versions, never have and never will listen to them, if an album has vocals why would I not listen to them?
Interesting, I'm somewhat the opposite.
I often find the instrumentals a nice option that offers a more relaxed presentation of the music.. Specially with the progressive rock genre which gives the music a more "classical" type feeling.
In my case I like the instrumental versions, and I miss that they are not in surround/atmos like the originals. I switch from the original to instrumentals, depending on the mood, and I perceive new things in the instrumentals, without the distracting vocals.
I feel exactly the same. I'm really disappointed when the instrumental versions aren't available in the same surround mix the vocal versions are offered.
The Deluxe Edition ordered from the official Steven Wilson site is $71. I could live with that. But $30 shipping to Arizona (US). Give me a break!
Amen, just give me a download of all the music, and maybe a pdf of any book/artwork.
I don't need or really want physical copies.

In any case I think I'll wait till it's out and then purse options after I've heard the album.
I love much of Stevens work but will pass on putting a bunch of $ into it if it's mostly like The Future Bites. IMHO so did that album. :(
Got the Blu-Ray from Burning Shed. Ended up about $7 cheaper than from SW's website, for whatever reason. He claims that every song is very different genre-wise on this record, so hopefully everyone can find something they like. Personally, I have some songs I really like on his last two albums, but I won't ever sit down to listen to them as a full album.