Steven Wilson Steven Wilson - The Harmony Codex (2023)


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Isn't it remarkable that an extremely busy SW has released seven solo albums since November 2008, and of such varying genres? I actually find it hard to keep up with the man's work, partly because he competes with himself by producing 5.1 and Atmos mixes of classic albums (Notice that this latest album is being released right behind Who's Next. o_O ) So I've only listened to TFB twice fully through, but I'm one of those people who likes it and believe that the music is really buoyed up by the Atmos mix.

Looking forward to THC with whatever genres he puts on it.
Keep it together ar
The drum track acts as a drone melody for me. It is a bit Kid A-ish and annoying in that regard, but the song is all about building and adding melodies over that drone. What it doesn't have (thankfully), is Kid A's propensity for adding one drone beat over another, and another, and another... Nice vocal harmonies throughout, then an ascending piano line with what sounds to me like a goofy time signature, and the vocal harmonies building and building until release. I have a feeling this song will be much more "in the flow" within the context of the album. SW is big on sequencing his songs within the album for maximum effect.
Ordered the deluxe set from the Shed. (And then 12 minutes later I got my ship notification for the latest Jethro Tull bookset. Happy days!)

I am not at all interested in The Harmony Codex book or the guest mixes, but I gotta have my instrumental mix.

My work involves writing/editing for clients. I can’t do that while listening to vocal music. Since I work from home and don’t have to worry about someone in the next cubicle, I can enjoy my surround system while I work. Normally the music is classical, ambient or jazz/fusion, but having instrumental versions of pop/rock albums is really nice.

You may have noticed that an Atmos instrumental mix of a pop/rock, vocal-focused album doesn’t happen a lot. So when we do get that, and from an artist I like, I’m going to spend more than I should for stuff I don’t want so I can get the thing I do want.

No intention of listening to any singles before getting the album, though.
I'm really glad Steven Wilson is offering this release in a variety of formats that gives everyone solid choices at reasonable prices. Much better than the disappointing packaging for the last Porcupine Tree.

For me, the standalone blu-ray makes the most sense as I don't really need/want CD's and the deluxe bonus material (instrumentals and alternate versions) are likely one time (or very few) listens. Much of that extra material will probably be available online to sample anyway. Will wait for other retailers to start listing the blu-ray.
Sure hope this first song isn't representative of the rest of the album. That "drum" track is annoying
Yeah, that artificial sound that somewhat mimics a closed high-hat ride actually ruins the song for me -- especially when it's repeated faster than it could normally be played and takes on more of a buzzing sound. I had the same reaction to BT's This Binary Universe because of that effect. Pass.
Limited edition 3 disc deluxe hardback book-set. In addition to a CD of the album, the set includes Harmonic Distortion, a 77 minute reimagining of the album featuring alternate versions and remixes by Manic Street Preachers, Roland Orzabal (Tears for Fears), Mikael Åkerfeldt (Opeth), Interpol, Meat Beat Manifesto, Faultline, and Radiophonic Workshop.

Is this reimagining of the album in ATMOS as well ?
Limited edition 3 disc deluxe hardback book-set. In addition to a CD of the album, the set includes Harmonic Distortion, a 77 minute reimagining of the album featuring alternate versions and remixes by Manic Street Preachers, Roland Orzabal (Tears for Fears), Mikael Åkerfeldt (Opeth), Interpol, Meat Beat Manifesto, Faultline, and Radiophonic Workshop.

Is this reimagining of the album in ATMOS as well ?
No indication of such.
The drum track acts as a drone melody for me. It is a bit Kid A-ish and annoying in that regard, but the song is all about building and adding melodies over that drone. What it doesn't have (thankfully), is Kid A's propensity for adding one drone beat over another, and another, and another... Nice vocal harmonies throughout, then an ascending piano line with what sounds to me like a goofy time signature, and the vocal harmonies building and building until release. I have a feeling this song will be much more "in the flow" within the context of the album. SW is big on sequencing his songs within the album for maximum effect.
That's a good point. Singles many times don't work outside of the framework of the album. I'm Hoping that's the case here.
In the Atmos mix, all those layered vocals during the 'economy, economy' section are in the height speakers :)
I was thinking that would be a good spot for them. I'm in the process of remodeling an old house, and already have the holes and wiring in the ceiling, which wasn't that easy (plaster and lath). Hope to be in later this year, and of course I have to have a completely new system. So I'll finally be Atmos able!
I enjoy the single. It doesn’t melt my mind, but I enjoy it more than most on TFB. The production as always is stellar. Box set is happily ordered. I have the vinyl, blu-ray and CD of TFB which haven’t been played since release. I hope this release will not suffer the same fate.
Shouldn't they, though?
They should, but on some concept albums song sequence is everything. I don't even like using the word "singles" here. I don't think SW released a single in his entire career, but correct me if I'm wrong. I think a better term would be preview, and as such, they probably weren't meant to be heard as a standalone song. It's like listening to Heartbreaker without Living Loving Maid.
I really like the new track and apparently I’m one of the few who appreciated TFB…I think it’s going to be a great album. i‘m gonna go for the stand alone Bluray version although I miss the times when he was releasing his albums under the Kscope label when we could have cd+ dvd or cd + Bluray combos ….
Just now listening to EoS.
Trap hi-hats?

I was avoiding listening to it because I wanted to wait for the whole album. Your comment made me have to listen. I agree with fetchmybeer (above), it does have of Kid A vibe (which is an album that I like, when I am in the mood).
If this song isn't indicative of the entire album, I still am optimistic.