Thanks for the quick rundown on the Guess Who quads I haven't heard these. I trust DV judgement as to which ones to release.
Just look at this listing of Columbia quadraphonic releases and marvel at how many have actually been fully restored and released as discrete SACD, DVD, BluRay and/or DVD-Audio discs. It's quite remarkable. Thanks to the folks at labels like Audio Fidelity and Dutton-Vocalion, what seemed unimaginable in 1990 is astonishing in 2019.
We don't know what is within reach of D/V so far as licensing. It's been a "wait and see" situation. I can imagine titles that are not available right now could all of a sudden in 2020 become available. And I like to keep my expectations high always. I can imagine higher profile titles than even these trickling out. I don't have any doubts that Stanley Clarke could be licensed and released. If Return to Forever, Weather Report and Mahavishnu Orch can be licensed, then why not Clarke? I don't have any problem visualizing "School Days" or another Mahavishnu. D/V might have it all in the bag, but decided that they have a RTF, a WR, and now Hancock, and don't want a fusion title out just yet. It could be all ready to press, but holding on until the other fusion titles are well along.This batch of reissues is underwhelming? Boy, I think some of you have your expectations too high. What could you possibly expect that's any higher profile than this, and still within reach for D-V? War? Unreleased Mahavishnu, Stanley Clarke or Joni Mitchell? The core Santana albums? I am sure Michael Dutton would do any of those in a heartbeat, but I have a hard time seeing those licensed.
Yes, about 90 titles there out on digital disc, and some of them are the hottest rock / pop albums ever mixed into quad.Just look at this listing of Columbia quadraphonic releases and marvel at how many have actually been fully restored and released as discrete SACD, DVD, BluRay and/or DVD-Audio discs. It's quite remarkable. Thanks to the folks at labels like Audio Fidelity and Dutton-Vocalion, what seemed unimaginable in 1990 is astonishing in 2019.
Clint has a point. If I had to choose between:
CHOICE A: Announce a title with good intentions, then have it delayed for 3-36 months due to legal or technical bullcrap
CHOICE B: Wait endlessly for a new title to be announced, BUT be able to order it AT THE ANNOUNCEMENT
Well, I think we'd all choose CHOICE B.
So, we all have points and we all know what we mean and what we think but that doesn't mean everyone else does. Chill out, be friendly and remember it's the internet. Nothing is real and no one is above anyone else. I love harmonies and naturally I love harmony.
And I especially love harmony at QQ.![]()
Jon, the next time you update the list, add the Japanese SACD of Bitches Brew!
Clint has a point. If I had to choose between:
CHOICE A: Announce a title with good intentions, then have it delayed for 3-36 months due to legal or technical bullcrap
CHOICE B: Wait endlessly for a new title to be announced, BUT be able to order it AT THE ANNOUNCEMENT
Well, I think we'd all choose CHOICE B.
So, we all have points and we all know what we mean and what we think but that doesn't mean everyone else does. Chill out, be friendly and remember it's the internet. Nothing is real and no one is above anyone else. I love harmonies and naturally I love harmony.
And I especially love harmony at QQ.![]()
The other thing about Choice A that is when the announcement is abused....In Choice B you aren't constantly reminded of the title...but what Acoustic Sounds is doing is just wrong...first it was due at the end of summer...then the fall...then the winter...ever since it's been coming soon...c'mon's not feasible that they don't have a better estimate than that...2 years of's a joke...
Best label in in the world right now!Bless DV
CHOICE B: Wait endlessly for a new title to be announced, BUT be able to order it AT THE ANNOUNCEMENT
Well, I think we'd all choose CHOICE B.
The only drawback (a lovely drawback...) of Choice B is that when they release a bunch of four that are all good for you you're risking heartache number nine...
Well...last November and December certainly was a treasure trove of music...and I'm sure it caused many a few budget conscious meetings with their significant other...or many went ahead and purchased all those box sets....better to ask for forgiveness than permission....that might have been the last big hurrah for us...I doubt we are going to see that many iconic surround treatments in such a brief period of time...I hope I'm wrong...but this year is half over and not much to show![]()