The Official QQ NFL Tailgate Thread


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You've been drinking that Kool aid all night haven't you.
Drinking the koolaid...Ricky's been pounding it down!!!.
Great game!!! I agree with what Campbell choose to do. Go for the win, on 1 play, regardless!
I consider that Detroit won . I Hate that reporting crap (...I believe that rule came about because of NE scoring with linemen a lot)
Losing on a stupid technicality!! This will help Detroit, they know for sure now that they can beat Dallas!
...BTW, the Dallas so called 'prevent defense' on that final drive was a joke. Joe Barry, GBs DC, would have been proud....
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Drinking the koolaid...Ricky's been pounding it down!!!.
Great game!!! I agree with what Campbell choose to do. Go for the win, on 1 play, regardless!
I consider that Detroit won . I Hate that reporting crap (...I believe that rule came about because of NE scoring with linemen a lot)
Losing on a stupid technicality!! This will help Detroit, they know for sure now that they can beat Dallas!
I absolutely love your NFL acumen !!!!!!!!
When i hear from you its a 'voice of reason'.
I look forward too it

That said. Im not gonna dwell on the BULLSHIT call
bottom line

Lions won
AR.... I dislike Jerry Jones also. Watching him celebrate up in his luxury box.... I almost lost it😵
Ricky, Dallas is a lousy place to play period. I hate it also... Jerrys' House... BS!
That's why I especially loved it that GB won the 2010 super bowl there😄
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If Decker did report & the refs screwed up. He should be fired ASAP.
You know they aren't going to reverse the call & give Detroit the 2 point conversion!'s getting to the point where the games are almost too big for these clowns to handle!!! Clown world!
What do we need, AI? ...I hope not....
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If Decker did report & the refs screwed up. He should be fired ASAP.
You know they aren't going to reverse the call & give Detroit the 2 point conversion!'s getting to the point where the games are almost too big for these clowns to handle!!! Clown world!
What do we need, AI? ...I hope not....
Everything should be reviewable.
The controversy at the end has generated all of the chatter as would be expected. There were numerous errors during the game that could have swayed the result either way. Most egregious, in my opinion, is the Detroit linebacker having a clear shot at Prescott in the end zone. Instead of trying to tackle Prescott, he does some sort of idiotic shoulder move and flies right past him. He could have just stuck his arm out for heaven's sake! So Dak moves just a bit and hits Lamb with a 92 yard bomb.

I've seen this type of nonsense over and over. :mad: Why do so many defensive players tackle as if they are this guy:

Ceedee bomb.jpg