The Official QQ NFL Tailgate Thread


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I don’t do trash talking. I have no idea how the game is going to go and I will not predict a win. I think our team is pretty damn good and pretty healthy, but that doesn’t mean much in a single elimination match. “Two men enter!One man leaves”. LOL.
I can say I’m not scared of KC but that doesn’t mean anything either. I know my team is capable of beating any team as are all the teams left.
We’ll just have to see how things work out on the field.
@Bill B trash talking is is a good way to go about things. I see the Ravens winning this one. I think Lamar will be the best QB on the field today! Ravens are at home & IMHO hungrier than KC. the don't have the curse of the Swifties weighing them down.
@cbmmm3 ...Yes, the Lions are going to do it. GB had SF on the ropes & were leading in the 4th qt. The lions are a better team than GB & will finish what GB couldn't. Regardless, keep the faith. The Lions have come a long ways from being a bottom-feeder to a now, great team!
@marpow Great outfit there. Hope you have a good time @ the game. Sorry, but the Lions may well be a team of destiny!
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