The Official QQ NFL Tailgate Thread


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We blew it.
Our offense was anemic and when we did have chances we squandered them with bad decisions and stupid penalties. We deserved to lose.

Only 1½ teams showed up today. the Chiefs and the Ravens' defense. The offense was MIA.
If you would have told me yesterday that KC would only have 17 points at the end of the game, I would have bet the farm we'd prevail, but not when you play like that.

I'm not even that upset. We blew it.
still plenty of time left. BUT ------------------------
Can you imagine the scenarios, stories and pure fun with a KC Detroit Superbowl ?
I dont think you could ask for better - a team that has never been there playing a team that goes there all the time
Ricky, you couldn't ask for a better start than this. Game is reminding me a lot like last weeks game.
Now finish the deal Lions!😄
I'm not sure the 49ers can even handle this Detroit team!
Pistons won! Maybe it's a sign from, you know. God? lol
