The Official QQ NFL Tailgate Thread


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What a frustrating loss for my Pittsburgh Steelers. I hate those Cowboys! I hope that the Lions crushed them next week.
I feel for you...the Steelers usually have a good offensive line...but due to injuries and lack of talent they are one of the worst in the Tomlin wants to put Wilson in at QB...if the Jets have anything that resembles a pash rush Wilson will be on his back most of the game...and basically one quality WR...other teams know that and despite the Steelers trying to get a big time WR...none of these guys want to go there now...
Tomlin gets all this credit for having all these non losing seasons but the fans want's ironic that the Steelers and Browns have the same problem....great defense and poor offense..
Once again proving that Golf is an invention of the devil.

I guess so Sonik, given that Ohtani's towering homer up into the night ski was definitely a promo for Atmos ceiling speakers.
:LOL: Golf.

Neural X works well here. Clunk!!!!! Trying Polk Dolby height speakers. HOT DOGS! CURSES! too. Oh my!
...and ah now, eh: :alien:
Go Bills! (please) (Super Bowl meet the Lions or Niners)
Go Yankees! (meet the Dodgers)
Go Dodgers! (win all with a magic ex-Jay) ;););)
During my time with no power I went back in time...I acquired a battery powered "boombox"....this thing was required 8 D cell was a didn't pick up many stations...but I found a couple of sports talk shows...unlike their counterparts on TV...they don't "protect" players....they let it rip...ESPN and the other talking heads don't rip the players nearly as much as they should...because they want them for interviews...
I am listening to this one show and the topic was the Browns...and everybody knows what the topic will be....the dirtbag QB...then they started giving his stats...and it is shocking to see on one point he was 0 for 26 on 3rd down...he is setting all kinds of negative records in the NFL...and the NFL has an amazing databank of statistics....

They also discussed the overall damage to the Browns in the long took a long time for the Browns to become respectable again...on the short term how long is it going to be before there is a mutiny of sorts by the players...when you know that your income and reputation in the NFL is being tarnished by one player and the only reason that player is starting is his will want to get out of Cleveland...there will be a mass exodus...another alarming thing is that this is a horrible time for the owner to try to get a new stadium...outside of downtown Cleveland...this would affect the business community greatly...and this may be a leap...but if this deal for a new stadium isn't supported by the city...the owner could pack up the team and leave again...

The Browns were my team for many years until they got so bad I stopped watching the NFL...only recently I came back as a viewer...I don't have a favorite team now...this way I don't get emotionally upset when that teams loses...I just appreciate the game itself...I do like certain teams more than the others...

On a personal note....I listened to an 80's oldie station...on this boombox...this was the time period when was Gos flourished...he was the Steve McQueen of rural Illinois...he didn't have a Mustang...but his 442 was bad to the bone...hearing these songs makes it easier to understand Gos now...but I have seen some disturbing signs...yes he is the King of Soybeans...he is lucky to have a great wife...but drinking these flavored beers...Steve McQueen would never do that(at least not in public or admit to it)...very disappointing...a legend is vanishing before my very eyes :whistle:
Flavoured da beer? :unsure:

OK, Clint is questioning my beloved beer choices. ;) It's not flavored
IPA's, Hazy IPA's, all that good shit. I don't drink "regular" beer any more. If I had to drink a budweiser now, well you know. Weak, bland, boring.
I also enjoy a nice Rye IPA....a stout ever so often.

OK, the other day at the hotel, I did have some sort of peach IPA I think. I mean, peaches are not unusual to steep in beer, as cherries are. No juiced beers for me.