Tony Levin “Bringing It Down To The Bass” Dolby Atmos Released Sept 13


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Anybody got shipping notice from bandcamp? Still nothing for me...
I ordered the new Blu Ray from BandCamp $33.96 to Calif.

This is a cool album also. Terry Bozzio, Tony Levins and Steve Stevens. Black Light Syndrome.
Looks like there is some delay in Blu-ray production of the new Tony Levin album. I got response from Flatiron Recordings via Bandcamp about the status of my order:
The Blu Rays are still in production and pre-order status.
Looks like there is some delay in Blu-ray production of the new Tony Levin album. I got response from Flatiron Recordings via Bandcamp about the status of my order:
That's been happening a lot this year it seems, I'm going to take this as a positive, that the overwhelming demand for all things Blu-ray (especially surround music/Atmos) is outpacing production 😄
That's been happening a lot this year it seems, I'm going to take this as a positive, that the overwhelming demand for all things Blu-ray (especially surround music/Atmos) is outpacing production 😄
For sure J-Pup. It takes a massive amount of concentration to keep up, let alone listen once, listening twice might come months later.
We asked and they delivered.
Listening to my new MQA Van Hagar stereo CD's, absolutely stunning sound.
While I rip my new Zappa set, work baby work.
Now SOLD OUT sadly! I wonder if this could be an album for Immersive Audio if no more blu-rays are to be produced? I would definitely be interested as I had been about to order it on Bandcamp.
Did you manage to order this from Bandcamp, Andrew? If so, you'll get to download 48/24 stereo flacs immediately. I'm only five songs in, but so far I think it's a winner in stereo. I can be patient for the blu-ray. I'm pretty busy for the next few weeks anyway. :)
After listening to the record and partially thanks to the delay, I decided to ask for a cancellation. Great musicianship, but the music doesn't move me (apart from the first song).
Let's see how efficient their support is managing the refund.
Edit: Great support, I got the refund in less than one hour since I sent my request
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After listening to the record and partially thanks to the delay, I decided to ask for a cancellation. Great musicianship, but the music doesn't move me (apart from the first song).
Let's see how efficient their support is managing the refund.
Edit: Great support, I got the refund in less than one hour since I sent my request
Exactly my thoughts after first listening. I'm pretty sure the Atmos mix would be excellent, but I doubt I would listen to the whole album more than once... It's just not my type of music.
So I decided to cancell my order as you did. I can confirm excellent support, refunded after a few hours.
I'm wondering if ol' Tony is beginning to regret sending out those flacs beforehand!

From my place, I liked the album upon listening to the stereo files while walking to work, but have now deleted the flacs from my phone as I want to wait for the surround version (skipping even the streamed, lossy version).

These kind of albums, for me, the consummate musicianship ones, can be harder to get into, but I enjoy the journey of exploring them and letting them grow on me, and I also find they usually stick with me the longest, returning to them every now and then over the years. I also imagine the physical copy may become hard to get in time.

Having said that, the drum song towards the end was an immediate grab, and so ironically, I will probably get sick of that one fairly quickly! Though it will always remain super clever, well done, and one to play like-minded friends. It's both a great laugh and impressive at the same time. I can't imagine him attempting that one live, but who knows! :D
Did you manage to order this from Bandcamp, Andrew? If so, you'll get to download 48/24 stereo flacs immediately. I'm only five songs in, but so far I think it's a winner in stereo. I can be patient for the blu-ray. I'm pretty busy for the next few weeks anyway. :)
Hi Doc! I am delighted to say that I did get to order the Blu-ray a few days later than my post and now have the stereo flac download. As part of this medical consultation I should like to mention a problem with my hearing. I don't have it all the time, just during the vocal sections. I think it might be cured if the album could be released as an instrumental only. Please send a prescription for ear medication asap!

Actually, I do like a lot of the tracks. I am not quick to categorise music or musicians but a good bit of this album for me carries significant echoes of Steven Wilson's Raven That Refused To Sing album, which is my favourite of his. My comments about the vocals may be a bit harsh as I do fully respect the artistic decisions to include them. It is entirely in the gift of the creative team so, really, who am I to comment? Albums don't just happen; there will have been a long production process before the album was completed. We can't like everything but I do like a lot of this.