Well, now this changes things doesn’t it? Now I’m second guessing buying the older box sets as it seems the other records that already received 5.1 mixes on DVD could be candidates for an SDE blu ray???
The Atmos was a late addition, finished only a few weeks agoHeck, I didn't even notice that when I ordered. No Atmos and no BDA on the box version. Wow!!!
Ive still got both on order with the boxie coming from Scamazon. I have PLENTY of time to consider cancelling that order..........let it ride for nowOh brother, that was a money grab, but I did it.
Atmos from SDE and box from Amazon.
Amazon always has a better price at time of release and shipping faster.
If I bundled the two from SDE I have no chance at a better price at time of release.
Animals was a money grab. The release timing on these equal NOT a money grab.Oh brother, that was a money grab
Jonathan, if you have anything to add about the Atmos mix I would love to hear about it.The Atmos was a late addition, finished only a few weeks ago
The Atmos was a late addition, finished only a few weeks ago
Exactly, SDE need a round of applause for treating their customer's right.Animals was a money grab. The release timing on these equal NOT a money grab.
Apparently not liking it didn't stop me from ordering it.If I liked the band/music more I'd buy this with no hesitation.
To be fair to @marpow he may have meant it was his wallet doing the money give and not a SDE money grab like the Floyd does.Exactly, SDE need a round of applause for treating their customer's right.
If I liked the band/music more I'd buy this with no hesitation.
Well, that's the most stylish deluxe set I've seen so far. Lol.September 6 confirmed. Official store link: https://ultravox.tmstor.es/product/147407
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That is a fair assessment but I think I might pick up both. I am a fan of Ultravox and I have really liked the box sets and I have some Amazon Points.Well this is odd...in fact I'm shocked. Won't this pretty much slam the door shut on anyone buying the deluxe box version? I mean, I'm going to cancel my order and grab this one. No brainer for me.
I’m certainly hoping so …Well, now this changes things doesn’t it? Now I’m second guessing buying the older box sets as it seems the other records that already received 5.1 mixes on DVD could be candidates for an SDE blu ray???