Universal Music to Remix Thousands of Songs Into Dolby Atmos


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Part of this may be a Dolby branding play.
I recently noticed that several Windows based Laptops at Best Buy that carried the word "Dolby Atmos" on their front panel.

Now, one could claim that the laptops have a form of Atmos inside.
But they were 13" laptops, certainly not enough room for more than 7.1 speakers (or more) inside...... :)
I think that would be 5.1.2 inside.
5.1.4 in Atmos parlance is 5 ground level speakers, one sub and four ceiling speakers. What was always called 7.1 is now 5.1.2.

Ah, kind of a switcheroo
couldn’t just keep it standardized could they:(
It would be great if someone could invent a single unit with multiple drivers inside that could be placed anywhere in the room and give you Object-Based Audio. The days of multiple speakers would be a thing of the past. But, that probably won’t happen because the industry wants you to purchase more, and the consumer loses because they don’t want to spend that kind of money and/or don’t want multiple speakers around. And, we lose because consumers are not buying enough of the product...so they discontinue it. Yeah, that works! :sneaky:
If this kind of strategy can pave the way for a surround renaissance I'm all for it... But the thought of having just a selection of hit songs in surround makes me very worried... How frustrating it is to listen to Peter Gabriel's Play, or The McCartney Years, not being able to listen to the entire albums and just getting a taste. It's a total tease for anyone who, like me, loves listening to the albums. Is there anyone who really loves music and only listens to hit songs? Anyone who loves music enough to want to listen to it in surround sound?

Personally, I will take anything I can get in surround whether it be just the hit songs or the entire albums. Sometimes I'm in the mood for either and sometimes I like to jump around from album to album playing only "deep cuts." Perhaps just remixing the hit songs into surround will make the format more viable? I just hope whatever I go for will be downloadable in high resolution and not limited to low-bandwidth streaming.
It would be great if someone could invent a single unit with multiple drivers inside that could be placed anywhere in the room and give you Object-Based Audio. The days of multiple speakers would be a thing of the past. But, that probably won’t happen because the industry wants you to purchase more, and the consumer loses because they don’t want to spend that kind of money and/or don’t want multiple speakers around. And, we lose because consumers are not buying enough of the product...so they discontinue it. Yeah, that works! :sneaky:

I know the mere mention of soundbars causes a lot of frustration and blind rageo_O in the audiophile community...but IMO....for Atmos to gain any traction with a broader customer base...this is the vehicle for Atmos to gain customers...and for most that know me...I have been against soundbars for years....but I must admit that the newer soundbars offer much better sound and would solve a lot of the objections to a multi speaker Atmos setup...and on the video side...they partner well with TV companies....as much as I despise Samsung...they have taken steps to integrate better audio when they purchased Harmon Kardon….and they are using that HK experience with soundbars….just like LG has a working relationship with Meridian Audio...to have these types of audio connections to the TV industry will help improve the sound bars...and overcome a lot of the objections(multiple speakers and wiring) that people might have toward Atmos...

My first 5.1 setup came with a TV purchase...it was one of those " all in the box" surround setups that was FREE with my 40inch Tube TV...so the TV industry has a track record with surround sound...it was a gateway for music surround for me...they can lead the way for Atmos...first with movies...then with music....as we are reminded on a daily basis...we are a tiny...tiny..segment of the music listening audience...so we can ride the coattails of the larger TV segment to get Atmos music...in my local Costco there are quite a few soundbars available...and TV companies are offering "bundles" with soundbars with their TVs....and soundbars will appeal to the millennials...they can use their smart phones for music and they can be wireless...and you can add subwoofers if you want more bass...really the new soundbars offer a lot of flexibility..I could see having 2 soundbar units..one next to the tv and one behind you...and with no wires and multiple speakers to contend with...and support from the TV industry with bundled promotions...I could see this working...

Here is an example of one...and keep in mind that they will get better and more "high end" if Atmos is a success

If I get a good 5.1 of What's Going On out of it I'm thrilled.
There already is a surround mix released of this song, DTS and SACD. You didn’t like it and would like a new mix of this over some Steely Dan hits?
Marvin Gaye in atmos is a good thing, no matter how the fuck you look at it.

Brother, brother, brother
There's far too many of you dying


The way I see it, the last effing thing I want is another stereo release of a Pink Floyd song I've heard a million times over in stereo. I hope EVERYONE follows suit and never releases a stereo mix again and whether its atmos, DTS:X or Auro 3D isn't that our ultimate goal?
But What’s Going On has been done in quad and 5.1, yet you want it again? After all those reissues and original Detroit mix was released. It has been redone as many times as Pink Floyd has. Ok.
But there’s thousands, probably hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of people with 5.1 systems used for watching movies and TV shows that can now listen to surround music. Many already have Atmos AVRs as just about all produced in last few years have Atmos and every surround amp since mid 2000s has Dolby TrueHD which can reproduce Atmos music in 5.1. Many sound bars can also synthesise surround from Atmos and Dolby TrueHD.

The main issues with getting new surround music for everyone, but especially for newbies, is lack surround music to buy and lack of recent artist music too. The Atmos music announcement has the potential to solve this somewhat.

When I talk to friends that hear my system now they often ask If I buy a system where can I buy the surround music? I have to tell them it’s near impossible.

I have been saying this for years now. I can't believe artists don't release "previews" of their songs like movie previews at the beginning of a movie. Just so people can hear it. Better yet, why not the record label and have a montage of songs that accentuate the surround potential. I can't see how headphones or soundbars can duplicate the movement of sound behind, beside, and above you, though. The surround speakers in a box package would work for most, but then you are still missing the Atmos speakers. That to me, is the issue. 5.1 is easy and can actually be done fairly effectively with wireless satellite surround speakers, but hanging speakers from the ceiling becomes a much bigger challenge and even more so something I think most people aren't capable of nor will do even if they are. It is an oddity to see speakers hanging in the middle of the room from the ceiling, or even flush mounted, which is more involved, and most definitely more obtrusive than tiny cube surround speakers hidden on the end table. Not to mention the extreme lack of the WAF. I don't see this working for the average person. I do still stand by the 5.1 music though, and they really need to advertise. It would be an eye opener for many, but that is another thread...
I know the mere mention of soundbars causes a lot of frustration and blind rageo_O in the audiophile community...but IMO....for Atmos to gain any traction with a broader customer base...this is the vehicle for Atmos to gain customers...and for most that know me...I have been against soundbars for years....but I must admit that the newer soundbars offer much better sound and would solve a lot of the objections to a multi speaker Atmos setup...and on the video side...they partner well with TV companies....as much as I despise Samsung...they have taken steps to integrate better audio when they purchased Harmon Kardon….and they are using that HK experience with soundbars….just like LG has a working relationship with Meridian Audio...to have these types of audio connections to the TV industry will help improve the sound bars...and overcome a lot of the objections(multiple speakers and wiring) that people might have toward Atmos...

My first 5.1 setup came with a TV purchase...it was one of those " all in the box" surround setups that was FREE with my 40inch Tube TV...so the TV industry has a track record with surround sound...it was a gateway for music surround for me...they can lead the way for Atmos...first with movies...then with music....as we are reminded on a daily basis...we are a tiny...tiny..segment of the music listening audience...so we can ride the coattails of the larger TV segment to get Atmos music...in my local Costco there are quite a few soundbars available...and TV companies are offering "bundles" with soundbars with their TVs....and soundbars will appeal to the millennials...they can use their smart phones for music and they can be wireless...and you can add subwoofers if you want more bass...really the new soundbars offer a lot of flexibility..I could see having 2 soundbar units..one next to the tv and one behind you...and with no wires and multiple speakers to contend with...and support from the TV industry with bundled promotions...I could see this working...

Here is an example of one...and keep in mind that they will get better and more "high end" if Atmos is a success

A soundbar, IMO, is the all in one solution to upgrade the puny sound which accompanies most flat screen TVs. It's unobtrusive as it sits, usually, beneath the flatscreen, but as far as projecting 5.1 MUCH LESS ATMOS into a room is
plain RIDICULOUS. All the hype and the increasing prices which accompany these 'sonic wonders [?]' is just that ...... HYPE.

There is NO shortcut to replacing multiple speakers and subs if you want to really enjoy your surround system and the better your components, speakers, etc ..... the better the sound.

I have personally opted not to go ATMOS. I have multiple surround systems and am happy with my current set~ups. Sure ATMOS and Auro 3D are enticing but I had to draw the line somewhere.

As it is, there is a dearth of remix engineers who REALLY understand how to remix for surround and adding more channels just confuses the issue.

Secretly, I do applaud Universal/DOLBY's new venture ..... if and when it pans out .......and I do know that the QQers who do have ATMOS set~ups are salivating at the potential of this new venture.

But seriously folks......if you really want to experience DOLBY ATMOS HERE & NOW ... there are currently hundreds of 2K and NOW 4K movies featuring Dolby Atmos [and DTS:X] soundtracks created by Academy Award winning engineers in stores and on websites EVERYWHERE. And MOST are cheaper than individual Stereo and 5.1 music reissues. I constantly read the reviews on Blu~Ray.com of Atmos soundtracks and a lot of them are getting absolute rave reviews!

So while you're awaiting this new deluge of "thousands of DOLBY ATMOS music singles," for a paltry $10~15 you can NOW bite the bullet and sit through a favorite motion picture which will more than satisfy your 'overhead fantasies!'
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and I do know that the QQers who do have ATMOS set~ups are salivating at the potential of this new venture.

I’m salivating at the potential new multichannel content! The format isn’t a critical factor for me.

Although my two Denon AVRs have Atmos neither has a full Atmos speaker arrangement. One is 5.1 and the other 7.2 (two subs). Both of these will allow me to hear Atmos in surround but not as the mixer intended.

Most of us here will get to hear these Atmos songs in surround without having to spend on new speakers or upgrading their AVRs. If your AVR can do Dolby TrueHD (the Blu-Ray age) you’ll get lossless surround, if you have an older Dolby Digital AVR (the DVD age) you’ll get lossy Dolby Digital 5.1 I’d assume since Dolby codecs have always been backward compatible to previous generations.

There should be much salivating by all!
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What’s Going On was never remixed to 5.1, the HFPA Blu-ray was stereo only. A few tracks appear in 5.1 on The Marvin Gaye Collection, but the only way to hear the entire thing in surround is the Japanese CD-4 LP.
This thread is about individual songs and not albums right. Forget about some stereo BluRay we are taking 5.1..... oh and the quad album too damn straight!
IMHO, one option would be to remix the hit/most popular songs on the album in ATMOS
and the other songs in Surround Sound only (4.0 to 5.1).

This would still showcase Dolby Labs Surround Sound technologies, but remixing in Surround
Sound only could likely be done for less money and would still allow the claim that the album
has been remixed in Surround Sound.

Kirk Bayne
Here’s an article with more info on upcoming Atmos music from Billboard:

This also mentions another competing format:

To be clear, Dolby isn't the only company making a push into immersive audio for music. At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January, Sony Electronics introduced 360 Reality Audio, a technology that similarly utilizes three-dimensional space to enhance the listening experience. That technology has already received buy-in from companies Live Nation, Warner Music Group and, of course, Sony Music, as well as streaming services such as TIDAL, Deezer, nugs.net and Qobuz.