Universal Music to Remix Thousands of Songs Into Dolby Atmos


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Christopher Kissel (QQ member @monotoSTEREO) is one of several engineers who does spectral editing for ERIC Records to make Digitally Extracted Stereo from mono tracks. Depending on the quality of the source, it can be quite effective...especially when subsequently expanded to faux multichannel. I would assume that the program could also be applied to a stereo track to make multichannel. I thought about giving it a go myself, but it would be yet another time consuming activity.
What is the name of the program?
...it would be yet another time consuming activity.
I hear you: I enjoyed tinkering with some of the old Rock Band stems, like Won't Get Fooled Again, My Best Friend's Girl, and even In Bloom. I could probably have lost days of my life at a time, if I had access to enough content. Scary thought... :)
Layla was 16 tracks. Most 70s and up were 16 or more.

Thanks. That’s good news.

So Steve’s comment about not mixing ‘old’ songs in Atmos due to lack of tracks may mean we’ll still get some classic 70’s that missed the Quad Era and most music produced since then is a potential candidate too. Personally I’d love to hear lots of eighties hits in Atmos.
Thanks. That’s good news.

So Steve’s comment about not mixing ‘old’ songs in Atmos due to lack of tracks may mean we’ll still get some classic 70’s that missed the Quad Era and most music produced since then is a potential candidate too. Personally I’d love to hear lots of eighties hits in Atmos.
Mute Panther...I mean....Def Leppard would sound killer in Atmos......
My fear is that UMe establishes an iTunes-like store where these multichannel mixes will be available for a la carte purchase at a reasonable price BUT THE STORE WONT ALLOW PURCHASES FROM AUSTRALIA!!

That's why, Homer, I'm hoping for a few physical disc releases via Blu Ray Audio. Not everyone streams or downloads and this would ultimately limit distribution and being such a niche market, how many newbies would even be interested in DOLBY ATMOS?
Thanks. That’s good news.

So Steve’s comment about not mixing ‘old’ songs in Atmos due to lack of tracks may mean we’ll still get some classic 70’s that missed the Quad Era and most music produced since then is a potential candidate too. Personally I’d love to hear lots of eighties hits in Atmos.
Thanks. That’s good news.

So Steve’s comment about not mixing ‘old’ songs in Atmos due to lack of tracks may mean we’ll still get some classic 70’s that missed the Quad Era and most music produced since then is a potential candidate too. Personally I’d love to hear lots of eighties hits in Atmos.
Missed the quad era on which side? Before or after? Everything after quad would certainly be in contention.
I was just thinking ..... With all this scrambling to find the multitracks of literally 'thousands of artists...' maybe Universal will UNEARTH heretofore missing in action multis from artists thought to be lost forever!

See the source image
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I’m getting to the point where I have plenty of stereo, quad and 5.1 content to listen to. The biggies I have already gotten now. Just a few things I do need, the C Squire, Bruford, remaining D/V titles I need (Aprox 9 or 10 max). I just got in Big Pink, Marley -Legend is in the way to me now. Abbey Road should be in the way to all of us soon.

I’m nearing the point where I should kick back and bask in the collection’s content.

There are but a very few Q4s I need, or I need upgraded from lossy DTS CD (to dvd) as well.

But I can’t wrap my head around more speakers and a new AVR just for that.

There does come a time when enough is enough right.
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I would assume that the program could also be applied to a stereo track to make multichannel. I thought about giving it a go myself, but it would be yet another time consuming activity.
There are two reasons I never got into doing CD-4 decodes / conversions to DVD-A even if I am an expert at vinyl to high res transfers / restoration. 1) other folks have deeper CD-4 collections, and do it well. 2) another activity that takes more hours of my life prepping audio for some future listening that I hope happens.

I’d love to do SACD ripping and I have the 105D to do it. SACD collection is not that large really, others can do the work, and I can work on other audio things.
I agree completely, it would be nice if they give up the damn multis , that is if they exist.

but what they were doing with a lot of those rockband mixes was actually quite outstanding, the program that I saw pics of that they developed was ingenious, it looked to me like a Spectral editing program where different sonic signatures showed up as different colors ie. the bass and drums were blue, guitar was red, vocals were green... and the operator would pencil in what he or she wanted separated and the program would somehow separate. I would have killed for this program. it sounds easy but from what I was told it would take several days to do 1 song.

Others have already done the RockBand sync-ups right. I think a have a few dozen of them in surround. Never heard one reach Steven Wilson quality in the channel assignment. It should be easy to do if one has the good taste and time to do it. The complete Abbey Road Album was one of the best I’ve heard.
I’m getting to the point where I have plenty or stereo, quad and 5.1 content to listen to. The biggies I have already gotten now.

But the thread is about new Atmos surround music. Forget about the old releases.

I want new content: The Rolling Stones, ELO, U2, Dire Straits, Phil Collins, Joe Jackson, Elvis Costello, INXS, Rick Lee Jones, Elton John, The Cure, AC/DC, John Mellencamp, Springsteen, Green Day, Foo Fightets, Radio Head, Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chilis, Nirvana, Van Halen, Metallica.....
But the thread is about new Atmos surround music. Forget about the old releases.

I want new content: The Rolling Stones, ELO, U2, Dire Straits, Phil Collins, Joe Jackson, Elvis Costello, INXS, Rick Lee Jones, Elton John, The Cure, AC/DC, John Mellencamp, Springsteen, Green Day, Foo Fightets, Radio Head, Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chilis, Nirvana, Van Halen, Metallica.....


See the source image

I'll Come Down From the Ceiling and Tickle your cochleas in ATMOS
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