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I have only ordered from them once...I knew they were located in Germany...but it appears I need to go back to college so I can understand this VAT and Import Duty mess :unsure:
Its how accountants make their fortunes over here :) shame I'm an engineer :ROFLMAO:

From what I can recall, if we import something into the UK that is under £135 we just pay VAT & the tax gathering fee (which is usually way more than the VAT). If the goods cost over £135 we pay, VAT & import duty on the cost of the goods & the P&P, and then we pay the <BLEEP> tax gathering fee - now I know why I pay an accountant to do my tax return!
Has anybody bought anything from CD Universe recently? They are listing it for $269.

I gave up on them many years ago. In the early days of e-commerce, they were great. Their prices were competitive, their customer service excellent and they shipped quickly. They were also good for me because they were twenty-five miles away from me so shipping was that much faster. But in 1999, some hacker got all of their customers' (including mine) credit card info. After that their prices went up and their shipping started to take forever. I haven't bought anything from them in years. I am wondering if they ever turned their act around....
Its how accountants make their fortunes over here :) shame I'm an engineer :ROFLMAO:

From what I can recall, if we import something into the UK that is under £135 we just pay VAT & the tax gathering fee (which is usually way more than the VAT). If the goods cost over £135 we pay, VAT & import duty on the cost of the goods & the P&P, and then we pay the <BLEEP> tax gathering fee - now I know why I pay an accountant to do my tax return!
Oh boy...nobody said there would be math today:whistle:
Demos, alternate versions, and 2 complete concerts is "chaff"?

Hard disagree.
Fair enough, but honestly that only interests me a little. I would be buying the whole thing for the 5.1 and Atmos mixes. I'm mildly interested in some of the LifeHouse stuff, but the game now of only putting the bluray in the Super Duper Deluxe 85 CD 37 LP fake concert tickets, crossword puzzles and a key ring collection, pisses me off.
Target's price is $257.99.

Ok if you use their red card you get 5% off orders and free shipping but you will pay tax. So around $246 plus tax per your state rate

Will we see someone selling it for $220? Amazon will never drop their price that low
Last I checked amazon claims they have already sold over 500 preorders.....they are not going to be lowering the price much at all I think.
Fair enough, but honestly that only interests me a little. I would be buying the whole thing for the 5.1 and Atmos mixes. I'm mildly interested in some of the LifeHouse stuff, but the game now of only putting the bluray in the Super Duper Deluxe 85 CD 37 LP fake concert tickets, crossword puzzles and a key ring collection, pisses me off.
For me, only the Blu with the Steven Wilson mixes is worth getting. I agree that the rest is 'chaff'. No accounting (not taxes) for taste now is there?
Demos, alternate versions, and 2 complete concerts is "chaff"?

Hard disagree.
I can agree with that. But as for the non-music stuff, definitely chaff to the majority of people who want it (and that goes for all box-sets). If it were just the music in a modest book (think Pineapple Thief) you could knock $100 dollars off the price.
I will also add that my experience with extra discs or rarities and live and demos, etc., may get listened to once or twice. Let's face it, there is limited time we all have to listen to music. When I am in the mood to hear an album by a classic band, 99 out of 100 times, I am going to reach for one of their core albums. So from that point of view all those extra songs are, maybe not chaff, but superfluous.
With all that said, I know you are a massive Who fan because most of your posts are on Who related threads (I assume you listen to other bands,,, LOL). For fans like you, it's an awesome package.
Held off & waited for importcds.
For The Beatles sets I order from Amazon.jp
Gets to the West Coast fast for others I do Import.
Much cheaper, slower.
Always get here.
Like most all here, want the BD Wilson Magic but love Pete's demos & The Who live baby.

Have the Decca, Track vinyl, the original green SACD & the Hoffman MCA cd.
All muddy, murky imo.
I can agree with that. But as for the non-music stuff, definitely chaff to the majority of people who want it (and that goes for all box-sets). If it were just the music in a modest book (think Pineapple Thief) you could knock $100 dollars off the price.
I will also add that my experience with extra discs or rarities and live and demos, etc., may get listened to once or twice. Let's face it, there is limited time we all have to listen to music. When I am in the mood to hear an album by a classic band, 99 out of 100 times, I am going to reach for one of their core albums. So from that point of view all those extra songs are, maybe not chaff, but superfluous.
With all that said, I know you are a massive Who fan because most of your posts are on Who related threads (I assume you listen to other bands,,, LOL). For fans like you, it's an awesome package.
In some regards...I can understand the complaints about not getting a stand alone disc that you want...but anybody who has been in this hobby for any length of time is aware of this practice of putting that disc in a box set...but this specific box set isn't as bad as it used to be...there is actual music being the "extras"...and the other thing that people overlook is the value of THIS band...I have nothing against Pineapple Thief....but trying to compare them to the WHO is a massive stretch...The Who is one of the all time great bands....I never even heard of PT before I came on this forum...and I doubt a lot of people outside this forum know who they are....maybe some day they will attain greatness...but not now and really aren't comparable at this point
Fair enough, but honestly that only interests me a little. I would be buying the whole thing for the 5.1 and Atmos mixes. I'm mildly interested in some of the LifeHouse stuff, but the game now of only putting the bluray in the Super Duper Deluxe 85 CD 37 LP fake concert tickets, crossword puzzles and a key ring collection, pisses me off.
Word 🤬
Just let me buy the frickin’ blu-ray!!!
What a shame one has to spend several hundred dollars get the surround mix. I love this album very much, but I won't be purchasing this. It will pop up else ware. For those who support the entire package, go for it. Sure, there will be good and unique extras in the deluxe. The great original album is what I want in surround. My opinion believes a stand-alone surround mix would outsell all versions.
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...the game now of only putting the bluray in the Super Duper Deluxe 85 CD 37 LP fake concert tickets, crossword puzzles and a key ring collection, pisses me off.
My take on it is to "enjoy" this game while it lasts, we've already seen a number of recent box sets forgo the Blu-Ray entirely while the Atmos mix goes to the streaming services...
In some regards...I can understand the complaints about not getting a stand alone disc that you want...but anybody who has been in this hobby for any length of time is aware of this practice of putting that disc in a box set...but this specific box set isn't as bad as it used to be...there is actual music being the "extras"...and the other thing that people overlook is the value of THIS band...I have nothing against Pineapple Thief....but trying to compare them to the WHO is a massive stretch...The Who is one of the all time great bands....I never even heard of PT before I came on this forum...and I doubt a lot of people outside this forum know who they are....maybe some day they will attain greatness...but not now and really aren't comparable at this point
I wasn't comparing The Who to Pineapple Thief, I was comparing the packaging. I can't believe you couldn't make that distinction.
Would it help if I would have used The Beatles' "The White Album" and "Let It Be"?
They all came in nice but not over the top books with the discs in a folder with slots and all were well under $200.
I wasn't comparing The Who to Pineapple Thief, I was comparing the packaging. I can't believe you couldn't make that distinction.
Would it help if I would have used The Beatles' "The White Album" and "Let It Be"?
They all came in nice but not over the top books with the discs in a folder with slots and all were well under $200
To be candid...it's not the first time I haven't been able to "make a distinction " on an internet post :)...sometimes I miss the intent of the poster...which seems to be the case here....and yes it would have been easier if you used the Beatles for your comparison but the moment you mentioned Pineapple Thief...you muddled the waters for me....because they aren't comparable...

For the record...I have never been a fan of these books being included in these sets...BUT they are treasures for the rabid follower of these bands...but I still mantain that the price(around the $250 mark)isn't outrageous for ALL the music you are getting and the fact that Steven Wilson is involved is HUGE....I know that in some of these past deluxe sets people have sold parts of the set on Ebay....like the books and the CD's and recouped a lot of their initial costs...and you can purchase this set in installments....interest free at many outlets....

If you are creative....there are ways to minimize your costs for this set...and the reality is that these sets won't be around much longer...at least the one's that feature a high profile band...contains a surround mix and ATMOS on a physical disc...AND with Steven Wilson's involvement...
Has anybody bought anything from CD Universe recently? They are listing it for $269.

I gave up on them many years ago. In the early days of e-commerce, they were great. Their prices were competitive, their customer service excellent and they shipped quickly. They were also good for me because they were twenty-five miles away from me so shipping was that much faster. But in 1999, some hacker got all of their customers' (including mine) credit card info. After that their prices went up and their shipping started to take forever. I haven't bought anything from them in years. I am wondering if they ever turned their act around....
I'm still a customer. Sometimes new releases go to backordered on their release date, so that can be annoying if it's something you've been waiting for. And their return policy can be cumbersome, but their prices are usually pretty good, even factoring in shipping.