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To be candid...it's not the first time I haven't been able to "make a distinction " on an internet post :)...sometimes I miss the intent of the poster...which seems to be the case here....and yes it would have been easier if you used the Beatles for your comparison but the moment you mentioned Pineapple Thief...you muddled the waters for me....because they aren't comparable...

For the record...I have never been a fan of these books being included in these sets...BUT they are treasures for the rabid follower of these bands...but I still mantain that the price(around the $250 mark)isn't outrageous for ALL the music you are getting and the fact that Steven Wilson is involved is HUGE....I know that in some of these past deluxe sets people have sold parts of the set on Ebay....like the books and the CD's and recouped a lot of their initial costs...and you can purchase this set in installments....interest free at many outlets....

If you are creative....there are ways to minimize your costs for this set...and the reality is that these sets won't be around much longer...at least the one's that feature a high profile band...contains a surround mix and ATMOS on a physical disc...AND with Steven Wilson's involvement...
Just as a follow up to my post...since there are a lot of new members on here...selling the CD's and books in these deluxe editions isn't as difficult as it might appear...if you don't want to go to Ebay...I would suggest contacting some of the members of the STEVE HOFFMAN forum as a lot of them aren't interested in surround sound...some of the members here used to have contacts over there and sold non-surround pieces of these box sets....people that have "rock theme" rooms in their homes like the books as they serve as great "coffee table" books ...
Just as a follow up to my post...since there are a lot of new members on here...selling the CD's and books in these deluxe editions isn't as difficult as it might appear...if you don't want to go to Ebay...I would suggest contacting some of the members of the STEVE HOFFMAN forum as a lot of them aren't interested in surround sound...some of the members here used to have contacts over there and sold non-surround pieces of these box sets....people that have "rock theme" rooms in their homes like the books as they serve as great "coffee table" books ...
That's my plan. Only interested in the Atmos Blu-ray.
I wasn't comparing The Who to Pineapple Thief, I was comparing the packaging. I can't believe you couldn't make that distinction.
Would it help if I would have used The Beatles' "The White Album" and "Let It Be"?
They all came in nice but not over the top books with the discs in a folder with slots and all were well under $200.
How about this for comparative purposes (@ ImportCD’s):
Tull Broadsword box:
$58 for 8 discs
Who’s Next box:
$244 for 11 discs
That’s quite an incremental increase for 3 discs 🤑
Just as a follow up to my post...since there are a lot of new members on here...selling the CD's and books in these deluxe editions isn't as difficult as it might appear...if you don't want to go to Ebay...I would suggest contacting some of the members of the STEVE HOFFMAN forum as a lot of them aren't interested in surround sound...some of the members here used to have contacts over there and sold non-surround pieces of these box sets....people that have "rock theme" rooms in their homes like the books as they serve as great "coffee table" books ...
I have planned to sell off the non-surround material in every uber box set I’ve ever bought. But the coolness factor has prevented me from doing so…every single time. :eek:
There are exceptions to every rule and this is one big box, overpriced, where I want all the extras.
Odds and Sods both versions is are one of my favorite Who albums.
I love the Whos leftovers more so than any other groups

But yes this shows what great deals the Tull and XTC box sets are....
Do they ship outside of France? I'm glad this thread has evolved from the hysterical "I'm not paying $300 to greedy old Pete Townsend!" to "Where can I get a good deal on this set?".
Yes. I don't know if to the whole world but you can look into the site to check your country.
I'm glad this thread has evolved from the hysterical "I'm not paying $300 to greedy old Pete Townsend!" to "Where can I get a good deal on this set?".
Have to admit I take offense at this. I'm an old guy who bought this LP when it was released. I haven't counted but I have several versions of this album. I wore out an 8-track driving to and from my out-of-town girlfriend's (now wife of 44 years) house. This is a "holy grail" album for me in Atmos. My first home audio system in 1973 was quad. Never had just two channels in main rig (anyone remember the Yamaha DSP-1?). And I can certainly afford it. But this is just a bridge too far. I've got a closet full of picture books and vinyl and CDs that never left the box. First it was DSOTM and ITCOTCK. Enough is enough.

I'm sorry if my opinion, hysterical as it may be, is annoying you.
Have to admit I take offense at this. I'm an old guy who bought this LP when it was released. I haven't counted but I have several versions of this album. I wore out an 8-track driving to and from my out-of-town girlfriend's (now wife of 44 years) house. This is a "holy grail" album for me in Atmos. My first home audio system in 1973 was quad. Never had just two channels in main rig (anyone remember the Yamaha DSP-1?). And I can certainly afford it. But this is just a bridge too far. I've got a closet full of picture books and vinyl and CDs that never left the box. First it was DSOTM and ITCOTCK. Enough is enough.

I'm sorry if my opinion, hysterical as it may be, is annoying you.
We're all entitled to our opinions and to express them, without others condemning them as 'tiresome' or whatever. We may not always agree with other's opinions, but we can either ignore comments or be polite in our replies.
Maybe on the next major release there can be a separate thread for shipping problems...etc...etc..etc...I've seen this done on other forums...so someone that is interested in information about the product don't have to wade through posts like these...and that could accommodate everyone:)
Does this album contain two of the most iconic songs of all time? Yes, but I can think of many other things (music wise) to spend $300 on. It’s a great album but, to me, not in my top 10, 20, 50 or even 100 best albums of all time. And before anyone asks, yes, I do have other The Who albums within my top 100.
I'm listening now Quadrophenia Blu-Ray 5.1 , due to some other thread that mention it.

Really I have listen to It very few times, because I had listen the original stereo vinyl so many times in my youth ( It was my second LP I bought) that I know it by heart.

But now, I have discovered additional instruments or sounds that I didn't remember, due to the 5.1

What a pleasure remembering that sounds when I was studing for college in my room.

What I mean?

That I think I will experiment similar thing with Who's Next, also known by heart. And also fan of Steven Wilson and his mixes.

The decision IS done. No wait for a cheaper SDE Who's Next . Just preorder Now. And I Will be Happy... Life is short. YMMV
Have to admit I take offense at this. I'm an old guy who bought this LP when it was released. I haven't counted but I have several versions of this album. I wore out an 8-track driving to and from my out-of-town girlfriend's (now wife of 44 years) house. This is a "holy grail" album for me in Atmos. My first home audio system in 1973 was quad. Never had just two channels in main rig (anyone remember the Yamaha DSP-1?). And I can certainly afford it. But this is just a bridge too far. I've got a closet full of picture books and vinyl and CDs that never left the box. First it was DSOTM and ITCOTCK. Enough is enough.

I'm sorry if my opinion, hysterical as it may be, is annoying you.
What a remarkable apology…
jeberq: "I've got a closet full of picture books and vinyl and CDs that never left the box.". Now this is the alert to stop purchasing anything... You have done enough to support the distributor of the Who. It's time to protest against those vampires who suck our money with gadgets, posters, and vinyls...
Have to admit I take offense at this. I'm an old guy who bought this LP when it was released. I haven't counted but I have several versions of this album. I wore out an 8-track driving to and from my out-of-town girlfriend's (now wife of 44 years) house. This is a "holy grail" album for me in Atmos. My first home audio system in 1973 was quad. Never had just two channels in main rig (anyone remember the Yamaha DSP-1?). And I can certainly afford it. But this is just a bridge too far. I've got a closet full of picture books and vinyl and CDs that never left the box. First it was DSOTM and ITCOTCK. Enough is enough.

I'm sorry if my opinion, hysterical as it may be, is annoying you.
Being able to vent is a side benefit of this forum. Should you ponder changing your mind and shelling out the money for this set, go ahead and treat yourself. Like many of us, you are an old fart who's come along way and survived much. So you deserve to splurge on yourself.
Being able to vent is a side benefit of this forum. Should you ponder changing your mind and shelling out the money for this set, go ahead and treat yourself. Like many of us, you are an old fart who's come along way and survived much. So you deserve to splurge on yourself.
Oh, I have splurged on myself. That's where the closet full of crap from other box sets came from. Like I said, I can afford this. I just can't justify it to myself anymore.
Oh, I have splurged on myself. That's where the closet full of crap from other box sets came from. Like I said, I can afford this. I just can't justify it to myself anymore.
We hear you, Brother. Many of us feel the same. Like I said, I've only ever bought one other box set because I don't need all the CD's and fluff.
Although I had stereo at the time, I took the plunge into Quad in the early 70's...and I wore out several Q8's of not Who but Pink Floyd's DSOTM.
Had a pretty nice Quad setup, If I do say so myself.