4 more Quadio titles coming in January 2024! (Titles Announced)


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Yes keep them coming these Quadios are just a superb product as has been the CDs and records Rhino has released down the years.

One thing that Dutton Vocalion does for their quad reissues that I wish Rhino could do is include liner notes specific to each release.
I realize there would be an additional cost involved just for the extra pages let alone paying a writer but it would be nice to get occasionally.
There must be old essays on these albums that could be licensed.

But as is we are getting the most important thing the music in superb quality.
And I do enjoy as others do the photos of the tape boxes.
War arrived yesterday and Rand Newman, Gil Evans, & AWB arived today in 2 boxes. Seems odd to me since these are bundles that all 4 would not have been put in a single box, but what do I know :).
War arrived yesterday and Rand Newman, Gil Evans, & AWB arived today in 2 boxes. Seems odd to me since these are bundles that all 4 would not have been put in a single box, but what do I know :).
I ordered the big Monkees TV/Movie box at the same time as the Quadio bundle.

The Monkees arrived Thursday via FedEx. Randy Newman solo via USPS + War solo via USPS in two different packages the same day. Then on Friday the AWB and Gil Evans discs came together in the same package. All were allegedly shipped the same day.

I'm happy to have them, but it's sure a head-scratcher.

And speaking of head, from what I've scanned, the Blu-ray of "Head" that's in the Monkees box looks and sounds incredible.

So far I've only played the Newman and War discs, but they both sound amazing. Though I got the impression that "The Cisco Kid" (and maybe one other song that I've already forgotten?) might make more sense with the four channels rotated 90 degrees to the right. I'll have to listen again. Darn.
All 4 just arrived, albeit in 3 separate packages.
Talk about efficient use of shipping costs :rolleyes:
My remaining 3 just arrived with all 4 now making it to my doorstep (or rather, mail room).

For what it’s worth, I also never got any shipping emails, but did find the tracking numbers through Informed Delivery. However only today did any of them show up in my email updates, I had to go to the USPS site to find them
Allow me to interject: We've waited PATIENTLY for over 50 years for these Warner/Rhino QUADIOS to come to fruition so what's the BIG DEAL if they're not delivered according to our/your timetables. And not only are they exquisitely presented in 192/24 BD~A with liner notes and LOVE but all the kivetching about what is and/or hasn't been released is downright annoying. We did this to Audio Fidelity, then Dutton Vocalion and NOW to RHINO. Can't anyone realize they release what they want to be released and what is feasible due to either the condition of the original analogue tapes and/or release consent from the artists themselves. PERIOD!

Does anyone ever attack MoFi or ANALOGUE PRODUCTIONS on what they release or don't .... and MoFi for the NOW asking price of $35 for a stereo SACD pre announces releases sometimes YEARS ahead of when they're actually released. And AP...the same! And NO multichannel from MoFi and a scant few from AP!

Let's be patient folks. I likewise NEVER received advance notices of deliveries from RHINO but over time did receive not only my replacement Spinner's disc but Batches 1 & 2 in perfect condition.

When Batch 3 arrives ... IT ARRIVES.

In the meantime, play or watch something else in your collection until the time comes and please stop complaining that RHINO isn't doing their job.

IMO, RHINO has done us ALL a very valuable service by embarking on their renewed QUADIO release program! So less BARK and less Bite ... and let's all just be thankful.
Just to be clear, the complaints are not with Rhino not doing their job. It’s actually the web store fulfillment company at fault.

The Quadio line and quality of Rhino product in general has been very high. Even going back 30 years Rhino has a first class reputation in the reissue and compilation business.

This is why some of us are either surprised or down right shocked at the erratic nature of their website’s communication and product fulfillment. We all will get our discs eventually, some of us will get them soon, others will wait longer if the recent past is any indication.

But I guess acceptance is a good first step in the process. Just accept it that this is the way it is. The discs will be available at Amazon etc. after like 90 days.

This is indeed the most consistent and high-quality line of quadraphonic reissues ever launched. I’m in a near state of euphoria listening to these discs - and absolute bliss with every new announcement of new titles forthcoming. Just a slight damper here on delivery service.

Ok moving on, I’d like to hear reports on the AWB Quadio, mix and general sound from those that have received their copy.
Sadly I know that as I went down that road eight days ago with zero to show it save for some canned emails from Rhino customer service… Would rather not try again with them.
Well with a name like rats nest 666 what did you expect? No just kidding. But did you try and place order as a guest or use a diff browser? We’ve been saying for months that this is what works when an order buy button dies not work or the order page hangs freezes. I suggest giving it a try with chrome of edge and as a guest if your order did not go through. If it went through then give it time.
Well with a name like rats nest 666 what did you expect? No just kidding. But did you try and place order as a guest or use a diff browser? We’ve been saying for months that this is what works when an order buy button dies not work or the order page hangs freezes. I suggest giving it a try with chrome of edge and as a guest if your order did not go through. If it went through then give it time.
Same way I’ve always done it and never had a problem until now and my CC was promptly charged. This stuff isn’t rocket science…
Same way I’ve always done it and never had a problem until now and my CC was promptly charged. This stuff isn’t rocket science…
Why not then just kick back and enjoy, many have been getting their discs in very recent days, or some of their discs. Your purchase is protected with your cc company.

BTW, something a little funny, I had an ebay buyer once a long time ago that I never forgot. SatanicHamster" was one of the worst nightmares I have dealt with on that platform. I've always remembered that name. :D:D:D
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BTW, something a little funny, I had an ebay buyer once a long time ago that I never forgot. SatanicHamster" was one of the worst nightmares I dealt with on that platform. I always remembered that name. :D:D:D
I can't say that I've ever experienced this with past purchases I've made from Rhino. Not that I buy stuff regularly (until this Quadio deal started). And most of the stuff I've ordered from them was well past the release date.

So, for those that buy from Rhino often, is this the norm or does it seem to be just when the Quadio releases are involved?
Why not then just kick back and enjoy, many have been getting their discs in very recent days, or some of their discs. Your purchase is protected with your cc company.

BTW, something a little funny, I had an ebay buyer once a long time ago that I never forgot. SatanicHamster" was one of the worst nightmares I dealt with on that platform. I always remembered that name. :D:D:D
Sorry man but if I ran my company the way Rhino’s fulfillment group is run, we’d have been out of business a long time ago. The fact they a) can’t get me a tracking number or b) can’t tell me when anything will ship (nor seem to care) in 2024 is simply mind boggling to me. I’d never ever dream of that kind of info void for my clients. Never. Oh. And still no Spinners replacement disc.
I can't say that I've ever experienced this with past purchases I've made from Rhino. Not that I buy stuff regularly (until this Quadio deal started). And most of the stuff I've ordered from them was well past the release date.

So, for those that buy from Rhino often, is this the norm or does it seem to be just when the Quadio releases are involved?
I haven’t had an issue previously but I know the past two rounds of Quadios have been very problematic shipping wise. Especially the first one. I was a fool and woke up at 1am last Friday to put my order in. So you know - they’d ship quickly and all that.
According to UPS, when I put all three USPS shipping numbers in, I should get all 3 packages Monday.
I'm curious though, as UPS lists two packages @ 1 pound, and the other one substantially smaller. lol.
So I'm guessing there are 4 in two packages in 1 in the other. J/K of course.
Remember that when UPS is involved in this, it's not on a "guaranteed" delivery date. So YMMV. They'll get here soon enough, I'm thinking. Not like I have nothing else to listen to, after all.
Placed my order for two discs on the 19th and received one on the 26th and the other arrived around noon today. Both shipped via UPS/USPS and were in perfect condition. Subtracting the weekend that's a five to six day turnaround. Considering the severe weather condition in many states that strikes me as a very decent shipping speed.

Oh yeah, they both sound great :)
I can't say that I've ever experienced this with past purchases I've made from Rhino. Not that I buy stuff regularly (until this Quadio deal started). And most of the stuff I've ordered from them was well past the release date.

So, for those that buy from Rhino often, is this the norm or does it seem to be just when the Quadio releases are involved?
My past purchased (not quadio) have been processed and shipped within normal standards. I bought the big Yes 21 LP box set from Rhino over the holidays - and it shipped and arrived sooner than expected (just under a week). So my experiences have been all fine. But I do recall reading (at that other forum) about a few total meltdowns with Rhino shipping.

I still think with buyer protections in place from CCs and PayPal I don’t feel like it’s risky to buy something and not get tracking right away.
My past purchased (not quadio) have been processed and shipped within normal standards. I bought the big Yes 21 LP box set from Rhino over the holidays - and it shipped and arrived sooner than expected (just under a week). So my experiences have been all fine. But I do recall reading (at that other forum) about a few total meltdowns with Rhino shipping.

I still think with buyer protections in place from CCs and PayPal I don’t feel like it’s risky to buy something and not get tracking right away.
...or no tracking at all. lol. But like I say they have always made it. Curious because orders from Hong Kong and China seem to have better tracking.