Hi Adam, what kind of download voucher did you get with the FNAC, as fnac.fr still mentions MP3 and FLAC.
It is all the things you say, but it is also the soundtrack to Les Miserables, and frankly I wouldn't wish to risk anyone finding me with a copy of that lying around the apartment. Your dedication to all things hi-res surround is admirable, Fred.
Bang & Olufsen make high-end lifestyle systems for wealthy buyers who care far more about styling than audio quality, so I'm not sure that their involvement is a seal of much audiophile value, but I am curious - what exactly is their involvement?
I finally found the Dolby PLII Music setting over the weekend (it was in my amp's standard settings, and I had previously been looking under advanced concert), and had some fun with it. It was barely effective at all on Breakfast in America, very good on Legend and most impressive by far on Songs In the Key of Life. I don't know why the effect was so different across those three BD-As, but it was amazing what it conjured up from a 2-channel source.
It did not, however, really sound much like discreet 5.1 to me. In spreading the sound around the speakers by whatever algorithm it uses, it produced a slightly unfocused effect, in some ways diluting the sound quality. Sometimes I'd switch back to stereo and find the music far more powerful, something I admit unwillingly as a surround devotee. It's certainly an interesting option and an impressive trick, but we really do need some proper 5.1 mixes in this new format.
As for Amazon being cheaper than the HFPA store, that's a given. They forcibly undercut everyone - a £20 book on its own publisher's website will be £10 on Amazon on the day of release - and I've never seen a proprietary shop that offered its wares for as little as the prices Amazon force them to accept (with promises of scale).
Hi Adam, what kind of download voucher did you get with the FNAC, as fnac.fr still mentions MP3 and FLAC.
no idea Robert, I've never used those BDA download vouchers to this day!I'm really not into downloading, I'm a physical (product) kinda guy if I can help it! I like shiny discs!
fredblue;191079} lets face it said:I really wish Amazon would level the playing field slightly (and contribute to society) by paying fair taxes in the countries where they make all their money but, given how much business I put their way, I'm in a pretty poor position to get too morally indignant.
I sent the seller a message about seeing if they could ship to the US but never heard back. I'd love to get one of these discs especially for that price. Does anyone want to do me a solid and buy one and ship it to the States? I have Paypal and can send you the money.
Thanks fred. After that one ended, I found a similar Ebay listing for the same thing for $14.99 and free shipping here in the US so I bought that. I figure that would come out to about the same with shipping from the UK. Excited to try it out. I've already figured I'll buy the two Nirvana blus, Sea Change and the Nick Drake blu. Waiting is the hardest part.
If anyone in the US is looking for a copy of the Les Mis Pure Audio, the seller I bought from has 4 more:
$14.99 and free shipping. Not a bad price at all.
Some yahoo is trying to sell one for $100 on Ebay.