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Her excess eye liner scares me a little. lol

Her excess eye liner scares me a little. lol
That's so much nicer than the North American packaging from The E.N.D. Records. We got shafted with an absolute bargain basement card sleeve.
Except that poor rabid bat thought he’d be safe coming home to roostSee? Even Ozzy looks better with excess....lol
I saw it comingPere Ubu THE MODERN DANCE
IDK John, thought there was a DVD stereo listening type thread somewhere, but didn’t find one either. Needs to be one probably with Blu-ray included for some of those nice Blu-ray audio only discs.For the boss & me: Listening to Broadsword
Can't find a DVD stereo listening thread, listening to master mixes in stereo.
The surround album is a lively mix, eh.
IDK John, thought there was a DVD stereo listening type thread somewhere, but didn’t find one either. Needs to be one probably with Blu-ray included for some of those nice Blu-ray audio only discs.
If no one knows of one-
Perhaps you should start one!
Maybe a Mod. can modify the thread title to include DVD’sI was tempted to use this:
Listening to 5.1 Broadsword album tracks.
This was all I needed to nudge me toward this release. Thanks for posting this and alerting us to the coupon code!Thanks for reminding me. Just ordered from Deep Discount [under $30 w/coupon code TEAPOT] with FREE s/h!