Looking for a Rosemary Clooney surround track (starts mono and spreads to surround)


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Aug 12, 2012
On one of her SACDs, the mix purposely starts with her as a kid with her sisters in mono and spreads to surround sound 5.1 in the same song---making for a great demo. I cannot find the song for the life of me anymore! It may be a Christmas song because she had a lot of those albums (or maybe even on a sampler somewhere)...but does anyone know which SACD (and song) this is?
It neither of those. I thought for sure it would be the 1996 Christmas one due to the very nature but it's not on there. I can't for the life of me remember where I heard it... could also be a sampler of any kind. Wish I could remember this song they did it to...
Ya know what ?

On the movie tracks for the VHS HIFI , BETA HIFI , of White Christmas,...they are surround encoded with the Chace Surround Stereo system.
Not certain of any dvd encode , but likely they would be Dolby Surround.
Ya know what ?

On the movie tracks for the VHS HIFI , BETA HIFI , of White Christmas,...they are surround encoded with the Chace Surround Stereo system.
Not certain of any dvd encode , but likely they would be Dolby Surround.
Girl Singer has a track (straighten up and fly right) starts in mono then moves to surround
that may be what you are after?

The Chace Stereo Surround System was used on many older soundtracks , for example ...most if not all of the Turner Broadcast Colourized movies used this system of audio improvement , so tape releases should have Chace.
I only saw a few video tapes that clearly indicated this system encoded , such as the first release of The Rocky Horror Picture Show , and a small number of VHS BETA HIFI tapes on the New Line label* , and the VHS/Beta hifi tapes of
So perhaps it is this soundtrack you heard mono to surround.

* I noticed it's use on a couple of John Waters' movies.
When I enquired to Chace Audio they sent me skads of info , such as this...
