Looking for a Rosemary Clooney surround track (starts mono and spreads to surround)


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Aug 12, 2012
On one of her SACDs, the mix purposely starts with her as a kid with her sisters in mono and spreads to surround sound 5.1 in the same song---making for a great demo. I cannot find the song for the life of me anymore! It may be a Christmas song because she had a lot of those albums (or maybe even on a sampler somewhere)...but does anyone know which SACD (and song) this is?
It neither of those. I thought for sure it would be the 1996 Christmas one due to the very nature but it's not on there. I can't for the life of me remember where I heard it... could also be a sampler of any kind. Wish I could remember this song they did it to...
Ya know what ?

On the movie tracks for the VHS HIFI , BETA HIFI , of White Christmas,...they are surround encoded with the Chace Surround Stereo system.
Not certain of any dvd encode , but likely they would be Dolby Surround.
Ya know what ?

On the movie tracks for the VHS HIFI , BETA HIFI , of White Christmas,...they are surround encoded with the Chace Surround Stereo system.
Not certain of any dvd encode , but likely they would be Dolby Surround.
Girl Singer has a track (straighten up and fly right) starts in mono then moves to surround
that may be what you are after?