New Nosound album in 5.1, out early 2013


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I just ordered mine as well, and hope this release gets strong support from our membership.
I came across the Quad forum whilst trying to find more 5.1 releases. Hopefully others will pick it up, music like Nosound's is what surround was made for.

I watched Quadraphonic vinyl disappear before I could afford to get into it. I built an SQ decoder whilst at University in the mid 70s, got Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here", Deep Purple's "Machinehead", BJH's "Once Again", & Edgar Winter's "They Only Come Out At Night", and the Mike Oldfield releases. I wanted to get into CD4 but the discs vanished. So when SACD & DVD-A appeared I was thrilled. Maybe as more people have Blu-Ray & DVD players the current run of music being released in 5.1 will increase.
I loved A Sense Of Loss, Afterthoughts is to be in my collection: just ordered.

Giancarlo, thank you very much for your music and for keeping it high-resolution surrounded!
Hello everyone,

that's really moving and your enthusiasm and support already paying back the effort for making it high resolution/surround was a pleasure, and most of all it was 'just' a start. I'm planning soon to find a way to release Lightdark in 5.1, and possibly other stuff. For the future for sure we'll keep supporting this format.

Kscope appreciated a lot the work done here, your help made possible to go go from normal dvd-v (as we did with ASOL and Sol29) to dual layer Universal DVD a/v, and I cannot wait for it to be out! I made the new studio in UK specifically prepared for 5.1 mixing, and I was never so proud and satisfied about a mix, I really think we achieved to have something detailed and very powerful at the same time, with good distinctions of instruments but still in a musical 'emotional' way.

I hope some of you were able to download and listen to the free 5.1 flac download I posted, and I'll keep posting here updates as they come.

Thank again for your support, this is a fantastic community and you all contributed making this realease very special for us and at the same time the highest quality we ever had :)
I'm planning soon to find a way to release Lightdark in 5.1, and possibly other stuff. For the future for sure we'll keep supporting this format.

thank you Giancarlo. that's great idea, to pull out multis of previous releases and give them
new life in surround format. i wish the more artists had same enthusiasm and dedication as you do (y)
Lightdark would be great - three nosounds in surround! :banana:
Hi SoonerCaniac,

thanks for your order. The high resolution dvd-a happened starting from an idea posted here and thanks to all the help from members of this forum.

By the way there are the last few copies of the dvd-a digibook with the instrumental bonus cd (pre-orders are flying)..once they are gone the only way to get the instrumental cd will be with the double vinyl..that even if I like probably as much as the dvd-a, for this place is not as interesting as the dvd-a :)

double vinyl..that even if I like probably as much as the dvd-a, for this place is not as interesting as the dvd-a :)

perhaps for next your release, if you'll go with vinyl, you should use SQ or QS encoder to downmix your
discrete surround into matrix for quad LP. i guess lots of members here would be more than happy to get
such LP just as a proof that long gone Quad is not yet dead :)
perhaps for next your release, if you'll go with vinyl, you should use SQ or QS encoder to downmix your
discrete surround into matrix for quad LP. i guess lots of members here would be more than happy to get
such LP just as a proof that long gone Quad is not yet dead :

I would not.
The quad lp would be an interesting idea, but producing vinyls is very expensive so to justify the costs I should be sure to sell at least a few that case we could do it :)

(Again thanks to all of you...the digibooks with the instrumental cd keep selling fast and we have now just a few left!)
Thanks for the links, we'll see in the future...for now the good news is that we sold out all the instrumental cds coming with the digibooks, that means the dvd-a is going very well!

Thanks a lot for your support, if we can now get the sales coming in at the same rate I can see sooner than later another 5.1 :)