Simply random stuff


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Hot and humid day
Water runs between my toes
Stairway to heaven

...Stairway to heaven
Ah, thought you meant Amanohashidate for a second. I lived in Japan for three years, and "Stairway (or bridge) to Heaven" was the English translation of the place. If you view the sandbar like this (upside down), it is meant to represent that. The very funny thing I saw when I was there was people trying to take a picture of it with their camera upside down between their legs - that the same picture could be obtained by just turning a normal photo upside down, didn't seem to occur to them. :p

Japan is a country like Italy that you go to just to eat as well as look at stuff........
Not if you're a vegetarian (at least when I was there 20+ years ago). It was a pretty "foreign" (ho ho) concept, and Zen buddhists typically didn't go shopping, or eat in restaurants. Even ordering a vegetarian pizza was conceptually impossible; ordering a "vegetable pizza without the bacon" was the closest I got. :p
So I found out that some popular receivers have a bug and don't actually bass manage the center...which poses a problem for me because in Track 2 I put some deep bass exclusively in the center.

Should I move it to the fronts or nah?