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Yeah, UPS is the only major shipping company that charges for delivery changes. But is this really worth all this ire? What's $10 compared to what you spent on the whole system? Just swallow your pride and pay up for the peace of mind.
Of course you are right on a couple of things...$10 isn't a lot of money...I waste that much all the time...and actually I vented on here to calm down...and I did:)...but it isn't's the principle involved...I guess I still entertain the outdated feeling that somewhere....someplace...there are still people with a work ethic...and as far as"peace of mind" goes....that $10 does not provide that because according to UPS there is no guarantee that the delivery will be changed...and they would return your money if it isn't changed....hardly comforting from a delivery service that can't meet their OWN delivery standards...BTW this isn't the first problem I've had with UPS.....In fact they have been so bad here in Florida that I might not have to worry because it won't even make it here on Friday...

I'm not going to Best Buy and this isn't their issue....and the more I think about delivery might not be exposed very long as I might be done with my procedures and home before they make it to my place.

Don't take this the wrong I like you as poster...but you telling me that $10 isn't a lot of money(while true)is a little ironic. After all that Steve has done for this forum in getting these released AND at a very comfortable price tried to get the free shipping and discount AFTER you ordered. I imagine that triggered numerous attempts by others to do the same thing....I missed out on that code I ordered another set and got the discount....I didn't try to squeeze out more money from Rhino...
Of course you are right on a couple of things...$10 isn't a lot of money...I waste that much all the time...and actually I vented on here to calm down...and I did:)...but it isn't's the principle involved...I guess I still entertain the outdated feeling that somewhere....someplace...there are still people with a work ethic...and as far as"peace of mind" goes....that $10 does not provide that because according to UPS there is no guarantee that the delivery will be changed...and they would return your money if it isn't changed....hardly comforting from a delivery service that can't meet their OWN delivery standards...BTW this isn't the first problem I've had with UPS.....In fact they have been so bad here in Florida that I might not have to worry because it won't even make it here on Friday...

I'm not going to Best Buy and this isn't their issue....and the more I think about delivery might not be exposed very long as I might be done with my procedures and home before they make it to my place.

Don't take this the wrong I like you as poster...but you telling me that $10 isn't a lot of money(while true)is a little ironic. After all that Steve has done for this forum in getting these released AND at a very comfortable price tried to get the free shipping and discount AFTER you ordered. I imagine that triggered numerous attempts by others to do the same thing....I missed out on that code I ordered another set and got the discount....I didn't try to squeeze out more money from Rhino...

Everyone gets frustrated at shipping issues....anyone who says they don't probably aren't being truthful. I'm the most patient person on earth (in real life), but I also get frustrated at shipping issues and like to vent once in a while here.

I have a pair of earbuds from Amazon, and they said they would be delivered by 10pm yesterday. I waited up till 9:30, as I wanted to use them on my nightly walk/run....nope. Nada. Today, at 4am, I received an email from Amazon saying they wouldn't be delivered until this Friday. Huh? Whatever....

While I don't pretend to know what challenges a shipping company has.....they also do give a delivery date, and I expect them to hit it. Probably not realistic. And while we're getting it off our chests.....people who cannot be on time really piss me off. How hard can it be?

LOL! Thanks Clint, I needed that.
Everyone gets frustrated at shipping issues....anyone who says they don't probably aren't being truthful. I'm the most patient person on earth (in real life), but I also get frustrated at shipping issues and like to vent once in a while here.

I have a pair of earbuds from Amazon, and they said they would be delivered by 10pm yesterday. I waited up till 9:30, as I wanted to use them on my nightly walk/run....nope. Nada. Today, at 4am, I received an email from Amazon saying they wouldn't be delivered until this Friday. Huh? Whatever....

While I don't pretend to know what challenges a shipping company has.....they also do give a delivery date, and I expect them to hit it. Probably not realistic. And while we're getting it off our chests.....people who cannot be on time really piss me off. How hard can it be?

LOL! Thanks Clint, I needed that.
I guess I will just rant in private from now a fetal position in a dark room🤣🤣 BTW my orders aren't even on the radar yet...and I'm ok with that
Still unpacking things i picked up in Japan!
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I'm starting to believe it won't be long until AI has a job mixing Atmos stuff, may be better than a lot of the phony-baloney mixes we've been dealt so far :oops: 😬🙉

OK, maybe just the video part; but that's probably the next leap...

Well that's a good way to escape the wild fire smoke! Any special occasion this trip is for? And where else are you headed?
No special occasion, but rather we’re taking a trip we’ve wanted to do for a quite some time. We started in Oslo and are working our way towards the west coast where we will board the Hurtergruten (sp?) mail ship and steam into the fiords and a bunch of small coastal towns. We will steam above the Arctic Circle over the top of Norway to Lapland in Finland. Finally head down to Helsinki.
I usually wouldn't mention this on the open forum, but my head is ready to explode. I recently purchased 7 speakers from Best Buy. The center channel was supposed to delivered today and the other 6 on Thursday. I wasn't in a hurry to get them and the only day I wouldn't be home is on Friday. I made that clear to the salesperson. So he set it up. Today I got the center channel, as scheduled from a local delivery company. Thursday I was scheduled to get the other 6. So I get a text showing UPS is going to deliver 2 pairs of the speakers and Fed Ex one pair, all on Thursday. So hours later I get a text saying that the UPS shipment is delayed and will be here on Friday, THE ONLY DAY I WON'T BE HOME. So I figured it would be no problem to contact UPS and change the delivery date. I didn't want to sign up for ANOTHER ACCOUNT, but I was forced to do so to change the date. It stated that the account was free and I could change my delivery date. So I signed up and attempted to change the date, which I could if I paid $9.99.

So I thought that must be a mistake and used the internet assistant and typed out my problem. It wasn't, so I asked to speak to a rep on the phone. So I get the call and talk to the rep thinking this must be a misunderstanding, but again I was wrong and shocked. I asked the woman why I had to pay for a UPS delay? I asked why UPS should be rewarded for their poor performance. She said that is the policy. I asked her if she thought it was wrong to charge someone because the company failed to meet their own standards. I can understand why something is late, but to be charged for this is mind boggling. All I got was silence.

I don't think the other shoe has dropped yet. Due to the holiday, I fully expect Fed Ex to follow suit and notify me of a delivery date change.

So I will go to Best Buy tomorrow and speak to the manager and see if he can help, but I doubt he can as the delivery agents have the merchandise. I don't blame BEST BUY as they had to go to different geographic regions to get the speakers. So while I am getting a medical procedure my speakers will be sitting in 93 degree heat.
:eek: that's not on! So far in the UK if I get UPS to deliver on another day they haven't tried to charge me. tried to get the free shipping and discount AFTER you ordered.
No, I didn't. I placed my order from the outset using the code shared on SHTV.

One thing you can do to pretty much guarantee that your shipment will be changed is request that it be held at a UPS location instead of delivered to your home at a later date. Then, go pick it up when you're recovered from your procedure.
No, I didn't. I placed my order from the outset using the code shared on SHTV.

One thing you can do to pretty much guarantee that your shipment will be changed is request that it be held at a UPS location instead of delivered to your home at a later date. Then, go pick it up when you're recovered from your procedure.
I'm glad you told me you did it earlier....I just had a situation where I was on a different site and put in a promo code for an item and I decided to add something else AFTER I had almost completed the order....the end result was because I changed the existing total it threw out the promo code and I didn't get the deduction....apparently it was only good for one time....even though I technically never finished the order....
Any 2 minute early Beatles song played three times in a row. :SG
For those of you who reacted to the quoted post with a :ROFLMAO: , please be advised that I am dead serious about my statement. Look, with certain songs like She Loves You, we don’t even need to listen to it three times in a row because they give us “yeah, yeah yeah” over and over and over…..
:ROFLMAO: Noted. yeah. Funny man. Better dead than read. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
For those of you who reacted to the quoted post with a :ROFLMAO: , please be advised that I am dead serious about my statement. Look, with certain songs like She Loves You, we don’t even need to listen to it three times in a row because they give us “yeah, yeah yeah” over and over and over…..
Keeping score; Thick As A Brick one yeah at the end. Repeat often.