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Bergen, Norway gets 20+ days with rain during the month of July. No umbrella? No problem! Approximately US$ 3 for a 2 day rental.

Keep yourself hydrated...I know that sounds stupid, but don't ONLY drink the prescribed solution...have some Gatorade or Chicken Broth or something helps. Of course, within the list of things you CAN have during the prep.
I'm not sure it is OK to take Chicken Broth when going for a colonoscopy. When I had mine I think it was a liquid only diet, plus some stuff they supplied for me to drink. Chicken broth is not enitirely liquid. Also I had a choice of sedation or not. I chose not. Anesethic can cause complications, so I decided to avoid them. It was a quite uncomfortable experience but not really painful.
I'm not sure it is OK to take Chicken Broth when going for a colonoscopy. When I had mine I think it was a liquid only diet, plus some stuff they supplied for me to drink. Chicken broth is not enitirely liquid. Also I had a choice of sedation or not. I chose not. Anesethic can cause complications, so I decided to avoid them. It was a quite uncomfortable experience but not really painful.
You can have broth as long as it's "clear" particles of beef or chicken...the basic requirement is that whatever liquid you consume has to be "clear"..there are a few exceptions..nothing red or purple in dairy and no orange juice(which isn't clear)

I chose the "watered down" version of apple is clear...I would usually drink the type with bits of apple in it..or make my own with a blender...I had a choice of Anesthesia...NONE...Conscious Sedation or Deep Sedation....I've had this procedure 3 times and always choose Deep Sedation...I couldn't imagine getting these 2 SCOPES without are definitely the better man than me...I do present a challenge for heartbeat...when relaxed is in the low 40's...sleep would probably push that even the dosage has to be managed and monitored during the procedure...that's why I will only go to my Gastro Doctor....the dosage just lasts long enough for the procedure...there is always the chance of complications...just about everything in the medical field includes that provision...just taking an aspirin could trigger a complication...the surgery center is literally across from the case something goes wrong...
Hopefully, @Clint Eastwood, all your troubles are behind you, that you enjoyed your breakfast, had a good sleep, and are anticipating tne wonders of your new speakers!
Thanks...I avoided any major problems and I saw the Doctor after the procedure and I have a follow up appointment..but there were no obvious problems...he did remove a polyp and took some tissue samples...but nothing looked "life threatening....right after the procedure I was given a detailed overview of the findings....including pictures of the various spots in my digestive tract....and I did have a wonderful sleep...which is not usually the case for me...

I've got a long way to go to get my audio system set up the speakers now...speaker wire is on the way...speaker stands are here and might get another type of speaker receiver...the only thing that I kept when I moved 4 years ago was my Oppos...I have 5 of them...purchased more when Oppo closed their doors...
I'm not sure it is OK to take Chicken Broth when going for a colonoscopy. When I had mine I think it was a liquid only diet, plus some stuff they supplied for me to drink. Chicken broth is not enitirely liquid. Also I had a choice of sedation or not. I chose not. Anesethic can cause complications, so I decided to avoid them. It was a quite uncomfortable experience but not really painful.
Ah, I meant chicken stock, which is entirely liquid. I have an "okay to drink" list somewhere...
I didn't realize it until I exported that I had put TOO much dynamic range between two was meant to be quiet and the other loud, but there ended up being a ear-shattering 15db difference. YIKES! That's been mitigated now...after I hurt my ears.

On a side note, has anyone else suddenly been getting lots of thunderstorms here in the US? I mean, I understand that the hotter the day in summer, the more likely the rain, but like it's a LOT. Lightning is cool to see and hear, but many of my peers don't understand that it's DANGEROUS to be outside during a thunderstorm...antiquated thinking or not? I dunno.
Lightning is cool to see and hear, but many of my peers don't understand that it's DANGEROUS to be outside during a thunderstorm...antiquated thinking or not? I dunno.
It's not that dangerous if you've got taller, more conductive objects nearby, such as a friendly sasquatch. Or you're wearing a Faraday cage.