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When students turned me on to Lamar, it was through mixtapes that preceded this album. By the time this one came out a decade ago, We were looking at his work as poetry. It was almost as if We knew a Pulitzer Prize was just a matter of time! Man, i miss those hip students turning me on to phenomenal flow . . .

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April is coming Clement. April is coming.
Nice. Your post made me piss myself. Ah, April showers, . . . I love getting old . . . and incontinent, . . . and, . . . what was i typing about . . . about what was i typing–phuquing re-covering Engl-ish teachers. Actually, since an Eliot connection started all of this, i'm reminded that i used to start every year with a quotation from "Little Gidding":

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Into the new year with Into the Music. One of my favorite Van Morrison albums. Glad to have pulled it up from the basement! I remember purchasing this at a record store in a strip mall near the Yorktown Shopping Center the summer after my senior year in high school. I remember looking at the cover and thinking, "Man, Van is losing his hair!" I remember my own missing hair . . . and i have considerably less now than Van did in 1979!

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Wallach's, the real deal.

Which record store nr Yorktown? Flip Side or Fry's, perhaps...
They had records you could play in-store to see if you actually liked the music. That’s the only place I’ve ever seen that.

There was a record store in Germany that would play records through headphones for you, but Wallach’s was the only place that had booths where you could play an album you hadn’t purchased.
Wallach's, the real deal.

Which record store nr Yorktown? Flip Side or Fry's, perhaps...
Flip Side! Yes! Thank you! I can't believe i forgot the name--i remember thinking "What a GREAT name for a record store" every time i walked in the door! My girlfriend (whom i eventually married) lived in Downers Grove, so i often stopped at Flip Side before visiting her! Do you also recollect the names of those record stores near the train depots in Hinsdale and LaGrange?
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Hoo boy! This one is really taking me back! I spent a LOT of time in high school with this one! A sonic sower mind blower bowl me over!
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Soft Machine was the first band to play at the first concert I went to on my own. Opening for Jimi. I see Robert Wyatt in the wheelchair and recall he was the first musician I saw “walk” onstage.
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