Does anyone know if Steve Wilson is a fan of Camel? Would love to get a 5.1 mix of Moonmadness
Welcome aboard, van1.
I'd take the s/t debut, Mirage, and Snow Goose, too...
Does anyone know if Steve Wilson is a fan of Camel? Would love to get a 5.1 mix of Moonmadness
Welcome aboard, van1.
I'd take the s/t debut, Mirage, and Snow Goose, too...
Does anyone know if Steve Wilson is a fan of Camel? Would love to get a 5.1 mix of Moonmadness
So you have any interest in remixing Olias of Sunhillow (Jon Anderson) if you were asked?
To be honest, right now I’ve stopped doing remixes anyway. I just don’t have time. I’m carrying on with the XTC project because they are my favorite band pretty much, one of my top five, but I just don’t have time anymore. I mean one of the great things about being successful with the “To the Bone” album is that I have less and less time to do other things, which is a nice problem to have, as the saying goes. The more successful I’m being with my solo career, the less and less time I’m having four for this extra curricular activity. Of course there are artists that I would make an exception for. If the Bowie’s and the Prince’s and the Kate Bush’s came knocking at my door, I would find the time somehow. But generally speaking, I’m not going out of my way to find that kind of work anymore, because it does take time to do it properly.
My personal hope is that Rush is on the short list too. He sure knocked AFtK out of the park. Maybe someday the solo career will slow down naturally too. In any regard, I wish him the best with whatever he truly wants to do.Here's a recent interview with Steven (at the Denver stop on the tour IIRC) that quite interesting and covers a lot of subjects, including the remixing thing. Read (or listen to) the whole interview when you have the time, but I'll just quote the (not so good it looks like) news on future remixes.
Or Jan Printz!This is seriously bad news for my music listening. Good for the personal budget, though.
Bruce Soord--step up now!
Today Fish posted on Facebook a picture of him with the rest of his former band at the pub after having recorded part of the documentary that will be part of Clutching. This may be a good hint about which album goes nextBesides XTC (which SW mentions in the interview), I'm sure there will be a few more remixes from Gentle Giant like "Free Hand" and maybe "Interview" (especially since Ray Shulman trades DVD/Blu-Ray authoring work for SW's remixing skills)
Plus there definitely will be remixes released for Jethro Tull's "This Was" and "Stormwatch", so that's another two titles right there.
He's also committed to remixing Marillion's "Clutching at Straws" (although "Afraid of Sunlight" might be reissued first, no word yet if he will remix that album)
And "The Seeds of Love" (from Tears for Fears) has been finished for a few years now, so hopefully that one will come out either this year or next year.
The wild cards are RUSH and Roxy Music. With the 40th anniversary of "Hemispheres" being celebrated this year, there might be a chance that the album will be remixed as part of a 40th anniversary box set, but that will of course mostly depend on tape availability.
As for Roxy Music, well, it took 5 years for the debut album's deluxe edition to be released, so I'm not holding my breath for anymore reissues from them anytime soon (but I really want "For Your Pleasure"!)
Finally, I don't expect SW to take on any new remixing projects unless they are really special opportunities for him.
Today Fish posted on Facebook a picture of him with the rest of his former band at the pub after having recorded part of the documentary that will be part of Clutching. This may be a good hint about which album goes next
There are some very good people around Bruce Soord, Giancarlo Erra, Elliott Scheiner, Bob Clearmountan, to name but a few who have never dropped the ball IMHO and are not StevenGuys, I think it's time Mr Steven Wilson gets himself a 'Luke Skywalker' and teach him the ways of mixing (his way) in 5.1 so we can continue to enjoy these fantastic albums in 5.1 surround.
Jakko is not the one, in my opinion. He's too close to mixing his way (the dark side)
What Steven does is keep the integrity and original spirit of the original album but improve it sonically and give it a kick with a respectful and enjoyable remix in 5.1 surround sound.
Well I certainly hope nothing happens to Steven, and he's only, what...50? He's still young for goodness sake. (I can say this because I'm much older and I don't plan on croaking soon!)Guys, I think it's time Mr Steven Wilson gets himself a 'Luke Skywalker' and teach him the ways of mixing (his way) in 5.1 so we can continue to enjoy these fantastic albums in 5.1 surround.
Jakko is not the one, in my opinion. He's too close to mixing his way (the dark side)
What Steven does is keep the integrity and original spirit of the original album but improve it sonically and give it a kick with a respectful and enjoyable remix in 5.1 surround sound.
Hey.....I don't want 'anything' to happen to our good friend and musician/studio master. I was just referring to the fact due to Mr. Steven Wilson being so busy with his other music projects I felt he should share his skills and knowledge with some other emerging studio engineers. I hope everything works out.Well I certainly hope nothing happens to Steven, and he's only, what...50? He's still young for goodness sake. (I can say this because I'm much older and I don't plan on croaking soon!)
But, my wish is that Mr. Wilson, et al, keeps turning out the great music that he does....and that he keeps finding great muscians to work with, especially great drummers. Hell, I like all the guys in Porcupine Tree for that matter.
I think it would be cool if some surround mixing tutorials pop up on youtube, say, or even a paid video course, accessible to the public. Why restrict the knowledge to industry insiders? There are amateur mixing engineers putting out better mixes than on some professional releases.Hey.....I don't want 'anything' to happen to our good friend and musician/studio master. I was just referring to the fact due to Mr. Steven Wilson being so busy with his other music projects I felt he should share his skills and knowledge with some other emerging studio engineers. I hope everything works out.