hey I'm happy too, but cautious as well.I just don't get all the negativity(Maybe SPLHCB???)
; this should be a time of great jubilance
hey I'm happy too, but cautious as well.I just don't get all the negativity(Maybe SPLHCB???)
; this should be a time of great jubilance
I’ll refrain from personal editorial but for discussion’s sake I wanted to post the ATMOS-related excerpt by Michael Fremer about the preview listening he attended in NYC. I highly recommend clicking on and reading the full piece here.
I read Fremer's review several times. Here is the excerpt that drives me bananas:
"I'm telling you what happened next not to embarrass or humiliate anyone but simply to do my job as a reporter: "Come Together" started and it was immediately clear that something was technically "untogether" with the playback. Everything was centered as if in a mono mix! The sound was muddy and exaggerated on bottom and the top end was missing. I couldn't have been the only one sitting there hearing what was terribly wrong and hoping that playback would be halted until it was fixed.
I grew increasingly agitated in my seat. I remember saying to myself "Okay, I know they like to give us the full bottom, but this is ridiculous". I could hardly contain myself. I looked around and there were closed eyes and a lot of "grooving" going on. "Something" was also in mono and clearly it was mono of one of the two tracks centered! Things were missing. What is going on? I almost stood up and shouted "STOP THE SHOW THIS IS WRONG!!!!"
I almost did, but stopped myself. When "Here Comes the Sun" played and there were no handclaps (among other crazy off-kilter and missing elements), I turned to the guy sitting next to me and I said "This is mono!". He said "I don't know, I kind of like it. It sounds very direct!" I said something else to him that I can't recall but before I was finished a guy down the row hit me with some big air brakes as in "SHHHHHHHSSSSHHHH!" I was interfering with his soaking in all of this remixing "genius" and the completely new "take" he was getting from this classic album."
Huh? Why were the people Fremer is talking about even invited to this session? People who cannot tell the difference between mono and stereo should not have been in that room auditioning a new stereo mix, let alone an Atmos mix. (Hey, I know, qualifications and privilege often don't go hand in hand.) People who have the music so ingrained in their heads that they close their eyes and are "grooving" to what is a shell of the original recording...a mistake...don't belong in there either. Finally, I'm ROTFLMAO at that guy who liked the "mono" snafu because "It sounds very direct!"
Enough ranting for one day!![]()
When it was over and the lights came on, Mr. Hayden (who I've know for many years, probably decades now), was embarrassed and profusely apologized for the awful sound and the playback screw up. I blurted out "Why didn't you just stop it???????" He said later outside the screening room that he kept hoping it would be fixed, but unfortunately it was not. He self-admitted to being a feline. However it was a relief to know what we heard was not right!
Finally, I'm ROTFLMAO at that guy who liked the "mono" snafu because "It sounds very direct!"
My wife just made an announcement:I just don't get all the negativity(Maybe SPLHCB???)
; this should be a time of great jubilance
My wife just made an announcement:
If you're happy and ya know it crap your pants -![]()
If you're happy and ya know it crap your pants -![]()
If you're happy and ya know it; if you're happy and ya know it... crap your pants -![]()
-- "An interesting life in retirement; but it reminds me of some of you crotchety old farts here on the forum"
Now for the serious stuff:
I suppose the folks here consider themselves the standard-bearers (rightfully so), holding the music industry's feet to the fire for properly sounding surround titles. Of the few hundred regular posters here, seems we all have a passionate and substantial appetite for all things surround with all the various titles showed off day in and day out. One question then is; what currently is a proper sounding surround title? I believe the answer to that is buried here within this forum in the Poll ratings pages (with detailed analysis being important.) I've raged about that sort of thing myself here when it comes to T.O.M.B.S. (Tired of Mega Box Sets.) What's going to take time is an overall consensus on what a great Atmos mix should sound like (appropriate to the style of music); and pretty sure that it's not clearly evident to just a casual reader/lurker here on the forum for 4.0 and 5.1 mixes. Just keep in mind, Abbey Road 50th hasn't even been released yet! I for one am optimistic, but will hold those "accountable feet" to the fire, when and if necessary.
Skepticism is always healthy.I realize I haven't heard it, and the comment about programming is lost on me, but I've been burned enough times to know not to simply accept anything on pure faith anymore. Especially when it comes to mega-advances in sound reproduction.
..speaking as someone who has heard every second of this album hundreds of times since the age of 6, it sounds amazing.
Most of the new remix of the album was played, along with parts of the special “Atmos” mix — and hearing it over the mind-blowing sound system at the Dolby 24 Screening Room in New York is a privileged setting that won’t be recreated in most mortals’ homes. With that caveat, it sounds stunning: The remix places the listener in the center of the music, with the so-familiar elements of the Beatles’ sound — the breathtaking vocal harmonies, the snarling electric guitars, Ringo’s cascading drum rolls and Paul McCartney’s astonishing bass playing — moving from one speaker to the next fluidly.
If you read on, he mentions that there may actually have been some sort of playback issue with regards to the stereo remix:
Hmmm... where have I seen that before...
It really does sound like the presentation was botched in some way. I've seen and heard major presentations botched in some way or another and knew first hand the presenters were cringing (a few times literally getting sick) due to technical errors that couldn't (or wouldn't) be stopped for various reasons. Point being is it was shocking to see just how many will either not know any better or simply take a cue from the tale of "the emperor's new cloths" and just go along for the ride.
Re: Michael Fremer article on Abbey Road
Yes, and that is exactly my point...something was terribly wrong with the playback yet a number of the chosen few who were invited to the first listen were clueless that there were problems.
And let's face it, Michael Fremer is first and foremost an analogue aficionado who always ballyhooed Digital playback stating it lacked soul and substance........and IMO, is hardly representative of critiquing a digital remix of Abbey Road.
Perhaps OT but got this update for Amazon..jp.
Delivery 10/3/19
JPY 12.703 shipped == $119.34
I know that's far above other domestic prices but I obvisously don't care.
Unlike Sgt. Pepper, TWA and Abbey Road packaging is the same world wide.The SHM-CDs are worth that alone!