I feel your pain brother.Mine came in about an hour ago. I'm totally destroyed! My Oppo won't play it. It doesn't even acknowledge that there's a bluray in the drive. That's a first time. Other blurays play totally ok. Any ideas?
I feel your pain brother.Mine came in about an hour ago. I'm totally destroyed! My Oppo won't play it. It doesn't even acknowledge that there's a bluray in the drive. That's a first time. Other blurays play totally ok. Any ideas?
That’s disappointing news. I had trouble playing Sgt. Pepper on my Oppo 105 so I played it thru another Blu-Ray player thru an HDMI port to my amp that evening. (Basic blu-ray players are pretty cheap if you have an HDMI port open on your amp.) My Oppo 105 would occasionally read Sgt Peppers. I would try a hard reset by removing the power cord from the Oppo and then try again with my fingers crossed!Mine came in about an hour ago. I'm totally destroyed! My Oppo won't play it. It doesn't even acknowledge that there's a bluray in the drive. That's a first time. Other blurays play totally ok. Any ideas?
Did you check out the disc carefully, sometimes manufacturing flaws do crop up?Mine came in about an hour ago. I'm totally destroyed! My Oppo won't play it. It doesn't even acknowledge that there's a bluray in the drive. That's a first time. Other blurays play totally ok. Any ideas?
Also if you have the program MakeMKV, see if it can read the disc.Did you check out the disc carefully, sometimes manufacturing flaws do crop up?
Mine came in about an hour ago. I'm totally destroyed! My Oppo won't play it. It doesn't even acknowledge that there's a bluray in the drive. That's a first time. Other blurays play totally ok. Any ideas?
For f sake, what a complete and utter bummer. That is soul destroying, I feel your pain Hope it's just a glitch, which can be rectified easily!!?
@d0zer, what model do you have?Mine came in about an hour ago. I'm totally destroyed! My Oppo won't play it. It doesn't even acknowledge that there's a bluray in the drive. That's a first time. Other blurays play totally ok. Any ideas?
Mine from bullmoose is coming Saturday and the site never updated with tracking and i asked for t and got an instant response saying they shipped it in the morning when it said item packaged for 2 days :O.I thought Bull Moose policy was they shipped early enough that you would have it on release day. I ordered from them before and I thought I received it on release day. Guess my memory ain’t what it used to be.
D0zer...did you fix it yet? AnxietyDid you check out the disc carefully, sometimes manufacturing flaws do crop up?
Mine came in about an hour ago. I'm totally destroyed! My Oppo won't play it. It doesn't even acknowledge that there's a bluray in the drive. That's a first time. Other blurays play totally ok. Any ideas?
d0zer, any luck yet?
If you login to your account it will list your tracking number. I’m bummed I don’t get mine until Saturday.Anyone who ordered from Bullmoose gotten a shipping notice or tracking? I got an email on Wednesday that said shipping but the order still says preparing shipment.
You’re right! I did not notice the track button. I too get mine tomorrow. That’s totally fine with me!If you login to your account it will list your tracking number. I’m bummed I don’t get mine until Saturday.
This would have been a nice bonus to include on the Blu-ray.
What flavor of oppo?Mine came in about an hour ago. I'm totally destroyed! My Oppo won't play it. It doesn't even acknowledge that there's a bluray in the drive. That's a first time. Other blurays play totally ok. Any ideas?
Which model?Hi, it's me again. I completed the firmware update and all it did was, that the Player now recognizes that there's a BluRay Disc in the drive. But it doesn't show any content at all. So, I guess I'll wait over the weekend if anybody else encounters similar problems and then I'll try to complain and get another disc. Thanks again to you all for your support!