400 Club - QQ All-Star
My copy from Bullmoose will arrive tomorrow. Hope the BR works on my OPPO-103. 

That's not helping!!!Hey maybe hold onto that one; put it up for sale on eBay as a rare collectable and see if you get any wild ass offers!
Remember over there mono is king and they don't like change.Early reviews over at SHF are mixed. One person really hates it, a couple others are more positive. Guess I’ll let my own ears decide!
I'll try not to go on too much, as I'm aware It's not fair on those still waiting, but I Want You is making the hairs on my back stand up!!
I know some of you may have bought this as a Christmas present, but I think you may opt to open it and make sure the Blu-Ray disc works fine.
YES..........USPS status update, Out for Delivery.
Think I'll go out and hunt the neighborhood for the mail lady
Yes, it will have to be an early Christmas. Where is the QA/QC on this shit?