The Official QQ NFL Tailgate Thread


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rambling on......

First off - The College Football Playoff Committee ...........geesus what a damn injustice this clown show just did to Florida State. What a bunch of bullcrap

My Lions, Im shaking my head ---------- yeah , they won - BARELY. But what the hell !! When you going to get your shit together Detroit ?
Hey Sports Fans !

yeah baby !!!!!

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Today -

Lions. Geez, my confidence is low. Playing the Saints in NO. If Lions still dont have their shit together, we lose. If they FINALLY have a defense - we win

The Game - MarkieNiners versus Philly. Mark - we need you to win

KC at GreenBay---hmm.this one will be interesting. If GB plays like they did on TurkeyDay, they will win, How does that sound @Imbobman ?

Enjoy your games
Good win by the Lions today. Congratulations Ricky. It looked like they may let N.O. come back. Jameis Winston is a terrible QB.
If the Packers play as good as they did on Thanksgiving? They won't but even if they do, they'll lose.
KC is just much better.
So the Jets are on their 3rd string QB now? So much for Boyle. Caught the end of that game....
A safety & 2 fgs was the Jets scoring today😕
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Yeah, right Ricky. 9-3. I feel your pain, bro.
You were on TV today?

Jet, jet, jet
I can almost remember their funny faces