Steven Wilson Yes "Fragile" Super Deluxe Edition out in June with Dolby Atmos mix!


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It could also be bettered by removing "We Have Heaven". Quite possibly the most annoying song of all time. I'm tempted to buy the Atmos release (I have the Japanese 5.1 SACD) but that song really makes me question the purchase. Even a stand alone Atmos would make me question it. I wonder if they used it at Guantanamo Bay.
It could also be bettered by removing "We Have Heaven". Quite possibly the most annoying song of all time. I'm tempted to buy the Atmos release (I have the Japanese 5.1 SACD) but that song really makes me question the purchase. Even a stand alone Atmos would make me question it. I wonder if they used it at Guantanamo Bay.
I love that song as much as you dislike it. I doubt I would ever decide not to buy an album just because it has one song I don't like.
Huh. If I skip any song on Fragile, it's Roundabout. No dislike, just saturated. If I only program a couple songs it's usually going to be South Side of the Sky and We Have Heaven. Perhaps including Heart of the Sunrise (somehow not saturated) and the conclusion of We Have Heaven. One of Jon's trippier pieces I thought.
It could also be bettered by removing "We Have Heaven". Quite possibly the most annoying song of all time. I'm tempted to buy the Atmos release (I have the Japanese 5.1 SACD) but that song really makes me question the purchase. Even a stand alone Atmos would make me question it. I wonder if they used it at Guantanamo Bay.

"Quite possibly the most annoying song of all time' is 'quite possibly' the most absurd hyperbole of all time. And to not buy an album because you hate 1:39 of it is quite possibly the most melodramatic reaction of all time.
Actually there are some past reissues of the album that were released with part 2 of We Have Heaven removed. Your wish already half came true, @Rhinojack!
"Quite possibly the most annoying song of all time' is 'quite possibly' the most absurd hyperbole of all time. And to not buy an album because you hate 1:39 of it is quite possibly the most melodramatic reaction of all time.
As I stated, I already own a surround version of it, I don't know what it is but even a lot of the album sounds like the song or vice versa. I just don't know if I want to invest that much in an album I'm not crazy about, Atmos or no.
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Sort of related to this thread, if you're a fan of Roger Dean's artwork (and who isn't?), it'll be on display in conjunction with the Asia/Focus/Martin Turner/Curved Air tour this July across the US. From his marketing company, "Trading Boundaries":

"We will be showcasing a unique selection of Roger Dean's artwork with a large selection of ASIA related material. We will have exclusive, new limited edition and open edition prints on display to purchase, plus much more for you to browse and enjoy during each show.
As a special tour deal, we will also be offering free shipping for all purchases on large limited edition artwork.
Sadly Roger sends his apologies to all the fans that he himself will not be in attendance for this tour."

It also adds: "The gallery will be in the lobby areas of most venues, we look forward to seeing you there!"

If I read that correctly, you wouldn't need tickets to see the bands to see Dean's artwork. Tour dates are here:

Roger Dean display dates