Batch #2 of Rhino Atmos Blu-Rays coming August 2024!


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Well, speaking for myself, and this may sound simplistic, but I don't comment on artists/bands I don't care for, so when they release something on Atmos, I don't get excited. :p
Makes sense of course. I don't care for much of anything of his otherwise, but his first album is actually quite "killer". I understand it has its fans... somewhere.

Let's be fair - this is the forum where people get excited about multichannel releases of Bread, Seals and Crofts and Bette Midler. (Myself included on the first two.) I'm failing to see how Seal appears to be the outlier here. :LOL:
The new Blu Rays from Rhino, when I rip the Blu Ray for the Atmos, I rip as a MKV file, because plays best via my JRiver player.
No problem.
When watching the hard disc you get a video screen with track (song) name screen.

But when ripped, you get the track screen, but the track (song) name does not come through on the MKV video file. This usually does not happen on discs that are not Rhino.
I know super easy answer for some of you.

Also, would there be a reason to not imbed the track name in the MKV video file?
Would you happen to know if there is a delay in sending Live Evil?
Yesterday I received the Seal, Carly and Chicago.
Funny you should say this as Rhino first said BS was a preorder but then I get shipping notices for all 4 but as I of now I have only received BS. LOL. I don’t think there is any rhyme or reason as to how Rhino is shipping these.
Having listened to all four new Atmos releases from Rhino...I'm afraid to say it's another mixed bag.
The stand out Atmos mix for Carly Simon is by Frank Filipitti.
Chicago is a mixed bag.
Black Sabbath is all reverb
Seal's is not bad but imo Trevor is still not getting how to get the best out of Dolby Atmos.

I hate to be the bearer of less than enthusiastic news but I can only be honest in what I hear. Maybe it's just me.
Hopefully someone else will share their views, soon.
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I like to save the hype stickers and the bit of plastic it's on. Is it ok for these stickers to be in the tray area of the blu ray? I know some plastic can cause issues for blu-rays, but I don't know if that type of plastic could.
I like to save the hype stickers and the bit of plastic it's on. Is it ok for these stickers to be in the tray area of the blu ray? I know some plastic can cause issues for blu-rays, but I don't know if that type of plastic could.
I'm no expert, but I think it should be OK. If I'm saving hype stickers, I try to remove them from the plastic and apply them on some unprinted surface inside the package. Only if they can't be removed without tearing do I keep them attached to the plastic wrap.
Listened to the entire Chicago IX in Atmos and found it very enjoyable. Even though the Atmos mix is nothing spectacular I think it's pretty good overall. I occasionally detected good height and rear activity, but not on every song. I've only had time to sample the quadio mix on my dedicated Quad setup and initial impressions are that I may like it a bit more than the Atmos - but will need some time to thoroughly compare both. Definitely don't regret the purchase, though!
Having listened to all four new Atmos releases from Rhino...I'm afraid to say it's another mixed bag.
The stand out Atmos mix for Carly Simon is by Frank Filipitti.
Chicago is a mixed bag.
Black Sabbath is all reverb
Seal's is not bad but imo Trevor is still not getting how to get the best out of Dolby Atmos.

I hate to be the bearer of less than enthusiastic news but I can only be honest in what I hear. Maybe it's just me.
Hopefully someone else will share their views, soon.
I loved Fillipitti’s work on the 5.1 of James Taylor’s “Hourglass” album so I’m not surprised.
Yes, the early tunes are a bit washed out, but I suspect that lies in the multitrack tapes: perhaps recorded on an old 4-track or 8-track machine?
I think just the first Chicago album was recorded on 8-track (it's the only one where the horns and backing vocals are mono, even in the quad mix).

Back when Steven Wilson did his stereo remix of the second album in 2016, he posted a picture of the mix session for "Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon" online and it looks like there's plenty to work with:

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