Queen Rock Montreal + Live Aid 4K Ultra HD Edition on May 10!


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I have the 4 k version both discs get stuck in an endless intro loop on my sony upb800.
I did get a refund but still have the discs.

Recieved a mail from mercury last week.

There are new discs coming in different packaging.
because there is no way to tell which disc is allright and which isn' t without trying them.

But they can't say when this will be.

I will wait for the new ones.
hi; so basically all discs now on any major store have 1 disc faulty? are they replacing them or? thanks (i did not purhase my copy yet so i would like to avoid another disappointment)
hi; so basically all discs now on any major store have 1 disc faulty? are they replacing them or? thanks (i did not purhase my copy yet so i would like to avoid another disappointment)
Seems hit or miss who will get a bad disc, and which one it is. I guess all you can do is buy and get replacements for any bad ones. Or buy a used set that's known good.
Seems hit or miss who will get a bad disc, and which one it is. I guess all you can do is buy and get replacements for any bad ones. Or buy a used set that's known good.
thanks for the info; but is known if they do send replacements to any location -Italy for example?-?