Spinning on the Turntable now...


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Scored this one at Squeezebox; it may have been played once! It's absolutely phenomenal! The Surround Master takes it to the next level! The roots of rap!
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UK NEMS Press. Unfortunately, the Vertigo is too rich for my blood.
A little story about listening to this classic some mat enjoy. My mom is legally blind, but she is able to read, slowly. And Saxton, mentioned in the last paragraph, was my brother. Half brother, actually. Same Mom, different dads. Sadly he passed almost 5 years ago. He was only 39. I posted this story on FB.

As many of you know, I generally cook dinner for Mom and I each night. I like the results, but I don't particularly enjoy the process of cooking. So, to help me get through it, I will spin some vinyl. I have bought way too many albums to get through listening to them in a timely fashion.

Mom, being the sweet person she is, will tolerate the music. Especially after the somewhat hellish week she had while I was in Annapolis. The thought of her just sitting here in the dark each night because she couldn't read or watch TV is something that really upsets me. So, I think she's just happy to listen to my music because it means we have power, and it means we are spending time together.

So, last night, I played my UK NEMS pressing of Paranoid by Black Sabbath. Each night as I am about to wrap up cooking, I will give her a warning (5 minutes, 10 minutes, etc. Last night I gave her the 10 minute warning. She replied, "I'll go to the bathroom in a minute, I'm listening to Ozzy here." This is the type of stuff she says on a regular basis that makes me laugh so much.

Saxton and I had such an odd sense of humor that was, at times, telepathic. We would laugh about something that no one else would get, and we often didn't need words to do so. That connection I miss so very much. He and I would discuss our sense of humor by saying, "I think we got the humor part from our dads, but the weirdness is definitely from Mom."
Maybe spinning somewhere..?...a project from several years ago when Jeff's album, WARM was released. 10 of these, one to each pre-sale drawing winner. I sent the printed cover art image to Jeff, he signed each one with the winner's name included, then recorded hilarious personalized intro's for each winner. 'don't sell this, because it's gonna be worth a lot of money someday...' kind of stuff. Like all the bespoke audio projects, very tedious as they were singularly cut. This one was a little more pressurized than others, because the signed artwork was embedded in the disk, and any cutting error would require a new signature, etc. Great fun though, and rewarding because people loved them. Jeff Tweedy Picture Disk