4 more Quadio titles coming in January 2024! (Titles Announced)


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Marpow got it EXACTLY right with the "Bill Graham" post! I am so excited that Rhino made the decision to release these four (4) titles that have NOT been previously reissued in God knows how many formats, to DEATH. Was this the "easy" or "no brainer" financial decision that we have all "rightly" complained about the record companies making in the past? This set of Quadio's suggests not, IMO. What it does suggest, is that the Quadio team is willing to make tough decisions in their quest to bring the best examples (artistically and sonically) of almost 50-year-old recordings in a long forgotten and often-maligned format to the market in a growingly physical product phobic marketplace. And in doing so, we ALL win and just might get "turned on" to something we would otherwise overlook or just plain ignore. Now, when is that next Rhino/Quadio listening party in Los Angeles?!
A confession to make,

Never heard any of these albums. The problem is that I am a child/teen from the late 70's and 80's Rock/R&B, Rock hair bands and Classic/Yacht Rock

Anyway, going to buy then all

I want Seals & Crofts, any album :) :) :) :) :)

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One of the best parts of this series has been the discovery of “new” music. I was familiar with AWB’s Pick Up the Pieces from that album, but nothing else. Listening to the album on streaming now, this is my most anticipated title of the four. Love some great funk/disco guitar.
One of the best parts of this series has been the discovery of “new” music. I was familiar with AWB’s Pick Up the Pieces from that album, but nothing else. Listening to the album on streaming now, this is my most anticipated title of the four. Love some great funk/disco guitar.

Hey, I did heard that song, I think when I was 12. I like it!!!!

While we are talking about War, the Greatest Hits LP from 1976 is said to have been released as QS. Is this album truly quad (as it has some tracks that post-date all their other quad releases)? If so, Mr Rhino, can you confirm or deny the existence of quad masters for War - Greatest Hits? Since you are just releasing this one title, it might be a long shot, but there is clearly lots of enthusiasm for this band, and with at least two more big hits on it - it could be a winner!
I'm still bummed that wasn't on the UK store. I know it's a rights problem, but there are deals to be done and money to be made.

Now I wait to see which of this new batch are on the UK store. I really want AWB.
I got “Paranoid” from rarewaves on ebay UK for £24 including p&p which wasn’t so bad
I just sample all these albums for the first time in YouTube

Gil Evans - Svengali, definitely not for me

Average White Band - AWB, like it

War - The World is a Ghetto, like it a lot (Awesome music, lyrics and band performances) "The Best of the Lot"

Randy Newman - Good Old Boys, most definitely not for me (I really don't know what's the appeal of this singer/song writer, I prefer to listen to Ray Charles 100 times before him)

Anyway, like I said before, going to buy then all to support Rhino.

Keep the QUADS coming!!!!!!!!!

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Good man @sperezmore these prices especially with a bundle discount are so reasonable it is worth buying them all to help keep them coming.

As mentioned by others I am always surprised by a title I had no interest in when listening to the quad version. Either the quad mix is so good it elevates everything Or I come to appreciated the music.

I am looking forward to War as I never had any of their albums only heard the singles on the radio. AWB will be pleasant familiar with it.
I do have a quad record of Good Old Boys and when the mood is right its an enjoyable listen.

Seems to me Gil Evans has another quad where he arranges the music of Jimi Hendrix. He planned to work with Jimi but then Jimi died.
Maybe that would have been a better choice?
Seems to me Gil Evans has another quad where he arranges the music of Jimi Hendrix. He planned to work with Jimi but then Jimi died.
Maybe that would have been a better choice?

The Gil Evans Plays the Music of Jimmy Hendrix was an RCA release, so there's a chance we might see that one from Dutton-Vocalion. It won't be a Rhino Quadio, that's for sure
Have you listened to The Greatest Hits 2.0 in Atmos? It is a very nice mix.
Unfortunately I have neither Atmos nor the desire to pay a monthly fee for my music, especially considering the amount of music I have sitting on my shelves. I do have friends with the capability. Maybe some day...

I will be buying all four Quadios!
There was no indication on he tape boxes and using the typical layout just sounded weird. The "aha" moment was during "Four Cornered Room" after we swapped the left front and left rear channels.

Been there - done that. My notes from 2015

Ok, going through the in progress files, I gave this one another look. My discovery that the moving sounds in 4 cornered room tipped me off that not all was right in this conversion, although it's something that wasn't immediately obvious...no one seemed to have ever noticed this until now. Anyways, the swirling could only be fixed by swapping a side pair, either the lefts or rights. The lefts seemed to make sense. The mix has parts unique to the channels, but also has a lot common to all channels, making it difficult to easily determine the intended pannings, and at some point I gave up on determining if swapping the lefts universally made sense, or caused any other inconsistencies....maybe it's an error on some but not all? I don't remember why I couldn't make a decision on it, but it got abandoned. But, this weekend going through files, I brought it up, and was rather liking the sound quality of this on my new headphones, and was like, ok, I need to make a call and finish this up, it's too good to leave in the forgotten pile. So, I decided, lets say it makes sense across the board, author a quick disc, make some flacs, and call it good. So I did a test run tonight, and I found myself second guessing myself again. What threw me off was that in many songs, I'd have lead instruments diagonal from each other, which could be intended, or could be wrong. For example, in The Cisco Kid, as the Q8 is without making any changes, the guitar is in the front right, the keyboard in the front left, which play well off of each other in the front, and the shaker is in the rear right, and the horns in the rear left, offering good activity in the back. That works nicely, and would lead one to believe you have a decent quad mix, no problems. But then making my correction with the lefts, throws the guitar and keyboards diagonal from each other. Also a valid way to mix, putting them diagonally from each other. The horns fill in the front left alright. But....if I was mixing this, I think I'd stick with keeping the keyboard and guitar in the same plane....so....that had me 2nd guessing the correction. But, then I noticed something. The spoken vocal parts in The Cisco Kid, are in 2 channels only. And as it is on the tape, they're diagonal. The left swaps fixes that. So....whatever your preference is, this has lead me to believe the intended mix is to put the guitar and keyboard diagonal, the correction needs to be made across the board. All these years, anyone with this tape has been listening to it wrong.

The error of the 2 left channels being swapped is one that happens when the mix is made using the less common rl/fl/fr/rr layout, and the next person with the tape assumes the more common fl/rl/fr/rr layout. I guess whoever made the quad mix of this album used that less common layout, and whoever brought up the tape to duplicate it to Q8, assumed the more common standard, and with the mix sounding pretty decent for the most part this way, of course no one would notice. Heck...the numerous GRT errors were far more obvious than this, and those got by. As we've seen many times, quality control was severely lacking in Q8 duplication.
Wow! I did not expect the forthcoming Quadio titles to be revealed so soon. AWB is my favorite
70's band. Looking forward to hearing how their White Album sounds in Quad. I've got "There's Always Someone Waiting" swirling in my head now. War's "The World Is A Ghetto" is also a killer
album. The other two I'm not familiar with but I do like Gil Evans' work so...Looks like I will at least
get 3 this go round. Cheers!
Wow! I did not expect the forthcoming Quadio titles to be revealed so soon. AWB is my favorite
70's band. Looking forward to hearing how their White Album sounds in Quad. I've got "There's Always Someone Waiting" swirling in my head now. War's "The World Is A Ghetto" is also a killer
album. The other two I'm not familiar with but I do like Gil Evans' work so...Looks like I will at least
get 3 this go round. Cheers!
the Quadio's of AWB and Svengali should go down as some of the best ever Quad reissues of all, in my humble opinion 😍❤️