4 more Quadio titles coming in January 2024! (Titles Announced)


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Actually, CTA came out first [March 2010] followed by The Best of Aretha [August 2010].....and a GREAT comparison of Lossy vs. lossless would be the DTS RHINO QUADIO of CTA and Rhino's Chicago BD~A 192/24 box set which clearly shows that the CTA BD~A contained in this set is heads and heels above their 2010 DVD~V DTS version.

The original Rhino DVD~V of CTA is now going for slightly under $10 @ discogs whereas The Best of ARETHA is currently priced at $94!

Still hoping that ARETHA LIVE will eventually be released as a BD~A in the near future!
I've heard claims that the DTS DVD was a nicer and preferred mastering of that CTA album. I've never compared the two myself. But I can see where the BR disc would have nod being the better format.
I've heard claims that the DTS DVD was a nicer and preferred mastering of that CTA album. I've never compared the two myself. But I can see where the BR disc would have nod being the better format.
I know that some people prefer the mastering of the DTS DVD of CTA, but that DTS disc sounded somewhat grainy to my ears compared to the BR-A. Some members claim that the latter suffers from mid-range suck-out; and I agree that the vocals do sound a tad lower in volume than they should be at times. But I still much prefer the softer sounding BR-A.

I agree with what Ralph said, but given the different masterings, I don't know how much is due to lossless vs. lossy and how much is due to more 'pleasant sounding' mastering.

Actually, CTA came out first [March 2010] followed by The Best of Aretha [August 2010].....and a GREAT comparison of Lossy vs. lossless would be the DTS RHINO QUADIO of CTA and Rhino's Chicago BD~A 192/24 box set which clearly shows that the CTA BD~A contained in this set is heads and heels above their 2010 DVD~V DTS version.
I know that some people prefer the mastering of the DTS DVD of CTA, but that DTS disc sounded somewhat grainy to my ears compared to the BR-A. Some members claim that the latter suffers from mid-range suck-out; and I agree that the vocals do sound a tad lower in volume than they should be at times. But I still much prefer the softer sounding BR-A.

I agree with what Ralph said, but given the different masterings, I don't know how much is due to lossless vs. lossy and how much is due to more 'pleasant sounding' mastering.
And the irony is that the 2010 DTS Quadio DVD~Vs of both CTA and Best of Aretha which came in Mini LP cardboard enclosures list priced @ $30 each and in inflationary 2023, if you buy the Rhino Quadio bundles, each BD~A disc is ONLY $20 and they come in SACD cases!
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I agree with what Ralph said, but given the different masterings, I don't know how much is due to lossless vs. lossy and how much is due to more 'pleasant sounding' mastering.
Agreed, it's very difficult to draw any conclusions unless the mastering and final playback volume are identical across the DVD-V DTS and the BD.

Isn't the DTS core on the BD vs. the DTS HD MA full decode a much better comparison on any of the discs?
Despite it's "lossy" provenance, the original DTS 96/24 DVD-V mastering of Chicago Transit Authority is much closer to the tonality of the original stereo and quad vinyl than the subsequent BD-A version. CTA is one of my most-listened to albums of all time, and I say this as someone who's owned almost every iteration of this album, including the original GP8 vinyl, the quad vinyl, the original Columbia CD issue, and the MasterSound SBM CD amongst others. .

The quad mix may not be "perfect" - I think the slight harshness of the quad mix can be accounted for by the fact that it was mixed at Caribou Ranch and not at CBS New York - but it has an almost impossible task to live up to given the fact that the stereo mix is one of the best-sounding to ever come out of CBS' New York facility and a remarkable accomplishment in fidelity for xomething recorded in 1968. Bob Vosgien, who mastered the Quadio DVD-Vs of CTA and Best of Aretha Franklin (and who participated here on QQ for a time) has a phenomenal ear and I think his participation in the current iteration of the Quadio program would enhance its value immeasurably.
Yes. As long as you like the Doobies and those albums as well then you do need it. It's a very collectible series, and currently the titles are accessible for purchase.

I'm sure that a few of us feel that the Quadio line of releases are the finest series of 70s quadraphonic reissues ever undertaken. For sound quality and top choices of rock, pop, and R&B titles, and number of classics and now a consistent flow of new releases, they've really brought home the bacon.

I haven't been disappointed by one yet. I hope I'm not falling into the trap of tailoring my music around what sounds good on my gear, but I've enjoyed both the familiar releases and the completely unfamiliar ones. Chicago was a must have for me because my dad was a fan of Kath era Chicago so that got a lot of in-car play when I was a kid (once we got a cassette deck, that is...) because it was something we could all agree on. Of all the Quadios the ones I were most excited about were Paranoid and the Chicago box, I only didn't buy the latter when new because I was "financially embarrassed" at the time. Doobies are less essential for me but I do like them so I suppose I should just find a copy of that too and be happy.

For those just joining, here are the clues we have so far:

  1. 2 R&B-ish titles (one of which I hope blows some minds); 1 Jazz Cat; 1 Singer-Songwriter whose first name isn't Jackson.
  2. 1 was only on 8 track; 2 were on LP & 8 Track; 1 was on LP, 8 Track, and Open Reel Tape
  3. 2 Atlantics, 1 Reprise, 1 that originally came out on United Artists
  4. 1000004766.jpg
  5. 1000004767.jpg
Make sure to get your guesses in! 👍
I'm in the camp, that this January batch is a dream come true bunch of titles, well done Rhino!

So, what do we do with the original one? Wait until the title is OOP and then sell it on ebay? LOL
I'm wondering how it will be differentiated from the original; mainly so others can tell from resellers later on? I guess we'll find out once they start coming in.
I'm wondering how it will be differentiated from the original; mainly so others can tell from resellers later on? I guess we'll find out once they start coming in.
When @barfle asked about a different barcode for the new version, FR said:

I know what you're thinking.
Second-hand buyers beware.

There may have been a change since then or a misinterpretation on my part which he can correct if I got it wrong.
I remember that post, I still don't know what it means, I guess.
My guess based on that, and only a guess, is that the disc booklet and tray will be exactly the same, including the barcode. Nothing to indicate this is a version 2 or corrected version.

My guess would be the same for the CD label... exactly the same with nothing to indicate it’s different from the original run, but FR can confirm/correct that.

Many of us remember the underline for the fixed Thick as Brick DVD. Not sure if the new Spinners disc itself will have any indication that this one is a corrected version.

And then from there, what I believe he was saying was that if someone is buying second-hand, there would be no way of knowing if you’re buying the original or new version unless its explicitly stated by the seller and they’re telling the truth.

(I hope I didn’t just confuse things more. I trust FR will come along and make everything clear with the latest info he has.)