4 more Quadio titles coming in January 2024! (Titles Announced)


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Same here - no email, no disc, no package as I keep an eye out on our mailbox (per Rhino's email).
The only one who has acknowledged receiving the replacement disc was Baggy.
Ditto, JP. But Foraging Rhino keeps assuring us that if we did order directly from RHINO our replacement discs should 'automatically' arrive! Fingers crossed!
I can't find it now (Gmail 'labels' are NOT sub-folders so I lost email on that acct before Jan 1), however I did receive a Rhino email specific to the Spinners BD replacement disc topic a few days either side of Christmas. In effect it was "Hey there, your disc is coming once the holiday traffic is over."
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I can't find it now (Gmail 'labels' are NOT sub-folders so I lost email on that acct before Jan 1), however I did receive a Rhino email specific to the Spinners BD replacement disc topic a couple days either side of Christmas. In effect it was "Hey there, your disc is coming once the holiday traffic is over."

Me too. The email came 12/15 with the subject line "A Message About Your Spinners Quadio Release." It read:

Hello Quadio Lover!​
We spotted an audio glitch in your Spinners Quadio release and have issued a full repress to ensure you get that fully immersive four-channel sound.​
We're sending you a fresh copy for your listening pleasure, due to ship out before the end of the month.​
Keep an eye on your mailbox and another out for breaking news on our next set of Quadio releases.​
Happy Holidays,​
The Rhino Team​

No word--and no package--since then. But even if they made their self-imposed 12/31 shipping deadline, the disc could still be in transit.
Me too. The email came 12/15 with the subject line "A Message About Your Spinners Quadio Release." It read:

Hello Quadio Lover!​
We spotted an audio glitch in your Spinners Quadio release and have issued a full repress to ensure you get that fully immersive four-channel sound.​
We're sending you a fresh copy for your listening pleasure, due to ship out before the end of the month.​
Keep an eye on your mailbox and another out for breaking news on our next set of Quadio releases.​
Happy Holidays,​
The Rhino Team​

No word--and no package--since then. But even if they made their self-imposed 12/31 shipping deadline, the disc could still be in transit.
Thanks for posting this. The holidays for a lot of people just ended 5 days ago so I imagine they got back on the case whey they returned on January 2nd.
You don't. Grazing Donkey said those who purchased the original will simply be shipped a replacement. Nothing on our end to do.
Which made me think of,
............... now who did "The Windmills Of Your Mind", was it ever in Quad? :rolleyes:
You don't. Grazing Donkey said those who purchased the original will simply be shipped a replacement. Nothing on our end to do.
I never got any replacement discs for any of them. I thought there was another with problems besides the Spinners?
Frustrating for all of us waiting on the Spinners replacement. Posted elsewhere it was noted that we would see these by the end of January. Dunno who is right or wrong! All I know is those who ordered directly from Rhino were sent emails initially telling us they would be in mailed in mid December.
Let's be honest, no sugar coating. Rhino is fantastic as a music content provider for us surround & quad fans. But for order fulfillment & shipping, they are about the worst based on decades of experience buying online.

This is no reflection of ForagingRhino but his company isn't doing him any favors by emailing everyone with a delivery time frame but fail to deliver with no follow-up communication as to a new date.

Baggy seems to be the only one who managed to get his replacement disc on time. Crickets for all the rest of us.
Geez everyone - with all of the bullshit going on in the world, the arrival of the replacement Spinners disc is really nothing to get all worked up about. It's a big company, it's coming off a holiday week and massive holiday shipping etc. If Steve says we're getting replacements, we're getting replacements.

To quote an older Quadradisc, let me just say "Hang on to your life"