4 more Quadio titles coming in January 2024! (Titles Announced)


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I’d rather have just about any of the last 25 Quadio titles that were released over Seals and Crofts or Carly Simon. These two artists made some very memorable hit songs of course, but I never warmed up to their albums that much.

Then there are some really special album artists still to come out on Quadio BluRay. I think they are pacing the series out with some left field type of titles mixed in with top seller hit albums. It’s great for the longevity of the series.

Anyway if Joni, Jackson, Purple, Rod, another J. Geils, and even Eagles are in the pipeline then it’s certainly not scraping the bottom of the barrel here, not with a possible reissue of Billy Cobham, and that double live MJQ which is a really beautiful recording with stellar performances, and at least a dozen others I’m looking forward to.
Rhino hasn't released 25 quadio titles. Money's to hard to come by these days to waste it. I didn't own any of these as quad vinyl back in the 70's, why would I buy them now at $25 a pop just to "have them". Makes no sense to me. The whole idea I thought was to come out with pristine blu ray 4 channel versions of our FAVORITE quad releases from the 70's.
We ALL would like to see Joni & The Eagles on Quadio - and I’m sure Rhino would too (maybe more than us!) but all that pesky licensing must be in the way…
As far as Tull…they are about the most well represented catalog in surround…
Anyway…here’s to Rhino fighting the good fight to get it all released one day 🍻
Has anyone released Aqualung or War Child of multichannel disc yet?
Has anyone released Aqualung or War Child of multichannel disc yet?

Aqualung was first released on Blu-Ray (with the '70s quad mix and a new 5.1 mix) as part of a deluxe 40th anniversary box set, then again in a smaller 2CD/2DVD edition in 2016. The 2016 edition was just re-pressed about a month ago and can be found online for around $30.

The WarChild 40th anniversary edition from 2014 (contains both the quad mix and a new 5.1 mix) is unfortunately out-of-print at the moment, but maybe they will get around to re-pressing it soon.
Sorry, not a jazz person at all.
I gathered that, Lance. But Rhino is striving for diversity in their renewed QUADIO program to appeal to a wider variety of listeners! Just as Easy Listening QUAD releases appeal to Dutton Vocalion's base audience!

You can be assured that future RHINO/WEA QUAD BD~As will include Rock releases. In fact, foraging rhino 'hinted' at a future Carly Simon box set..whether that materializes is anyone's guess but licensing agreements with their artists must first be secured before committing to a release which also includes the EAGLES.


Aqualung was first released on Blu-Ray (with the '70s quad mix and a new 5.1 mix) as part of a deluxe 40th anniversary box set, then again in a smaller 2CD/2DVD edition in 2016. The 2016 edition was just re-pressed about a month ago and can be found online for around $30.

The WarChild 40th anniversary edition from 2014 (contains both the quad mix and a new 5.1 mix) is unfortunately out-of-print at the moment, but maybe they will get around to re-pressing it soon.
Didn't know, thx!!
Let me ask you this: What caused more excitement & sold more units, these 4 or the first set of 4 quadio releases??? Money's tuff to come by these days & I have no intention of wasting it on titles like these.
It's comments like these that makes me feel like you're basing overall excitement purely on what you want. Yes, it's great to feel excited for titles you want, but it seems to me that you're basing the success of quadio on how well it caters to your tastes.

Add that atop the fact that you do not really understand what batches of titles Rhino has to work with, nor what quad titles have been released (especially given the fact you were unaware Aqualung's quad mix was already released on DVD), I really think you ought to step back, do a bit of research, and stop making such sweeping statements like "they better get back to the popular titles or this Quadio thing is going to go down in flames."
A few years ago, us Quadies had almost lost all hope of getting many of these titles released in a Hi-Res digital format. Now with Rhino fully invested in this endeavor, we have hope for finally realizing our dreams for many of our Quad favorites. I for one have been thrilled with their choices so far.

In the upcoming bundle, is my all time favorite Randy Newman song (may have mentioned this before :).) It gets to me every time!

No one says you have to buy any of these. If you can't afford it and don't like the music, why should you buy them, bundle or not?

The cold hard fact is that if Rhino was able to do "One of These Nights" and "Late for the Sky" they would. If they didn't have to deal with artists and lawyers and managers that control catalog, they would put out all of the good stuff. It's a no brainer. They are in business to move product.

"One of These Nights" will sell more than "Svengali", no doubt. But "Svengali" is a title that they could release without red tape.

It's not always what WE want or even what THEY want. They release what the CAN. Plain and simple. If you don't like it, fine. Wait for something you like. Complaining is fine as well, it's just not cool to complain over and over about the same thing.

I too would love the titles everyone wants. Will we ever get them? Maybe not. But, in reality, before Quadio came along, we weren't getting them then anyway!

Buy what you like and can afford. That should be the real deal
Its a waste of time to argue over what one person thinks should be released especially with a lack of knowledge about what has already been reissued or is available.
In 2024 these Quadio prices especially the bundles are very reasonable. Everyone is free to buy or not to buy as their tastes go.
It would be great if Rhino could contact me personally and ask what I want to buy and go ahead and issue it for me. Good luck with that. Its pointless to argue over this. This is the closest I have come to putting someone on ignore.....

Variety is the spice of life. Didn't the Doors say that?
Was the Rhino Doors quad Blu-ray a big enough seller or is that scraping the barrel....
Its a waste of time to argue over what one person thinks should be released especially with a lack of knowledge about what has already been reissued or is available.
In 2024 these Quadio prices especially the bundles are very reasonable. Everyone is free to buy or not to buy as their tastes go.
It would be great if Rhino could contact me personally and ask what I want to buy and go ahead and issue it for me. Good luck with that. Its pointless to argue over this. This is the closest I have come to putting someone on ignore.....

Variety is the spice of life. Didn't the Doors say that?
Was the Rhino Doors quad Blu-ray a big enough seller or is that scraping the barrel....
Not to mention Rhino's recent spectacular Steve Wilson BD~A ATMOS remix of MOONDANCE!
It's comments like these that makes me feel like you're basing overall excitement purely on what you want. Yes, it's great to feel excited for titles you want, but it seems to me that you're basing the success of quadio on how well it caters to your tastes.

Add that atop the fact that you do not really understand what batches of titles Rhino has to work with, nor what quad titles have been released (especially given the fact you were unaware Aqualung's quad mix was already released on DVD), I really think you ought to step back, do a bit of research, and stop making such sweeping statements like "they better get back to the popular titles or this Quadio thing is going to go down in flames."
We all have & should be able to express our opinions without fear of personal attacks. I've debated a lot today over my opinions without any personal attacks until now. Sorry I didn't know about Jethro Tull's previous quad releases. I don't spend tons of time on this forum nor do I in searching what the latest multichannel releases are, so pardon my obvious ignorance.

Like it or not, Rock & Pop are the most popular genre of music, not only in the 70's quad heyday but in this "chat room". It's not "just what I want", it's what the majority wants. I don't mind diversity, but to include no Rock titles in this latest bundle is a big disappointment to most. I've already read some previous comments in this thread from members that they won't be purchasing ANY of these 4 titles.

As I recently discovered, there are some who will buy anything which comes out in multichannel, but for the most part, this bundle is going to be the poorest selling of the 3. Rhino made a big mistake by not including at least 1 rock title & if Rhino has no more rock titles "to work with" as you put it, the Quadio series will go down much sooner than later. It just won't stay afloat without rock.
Rhino hasn't released 25 quadio titles. Money's to hard to come by these days to waste it. I didn't own any of these as quad vinyl back in the 70's, why would I buy them now at $25 a pop just to "have them". Makes no sense to me. The whole idea I thought was to come out with pristine blu ray 4 channel versions of our FAVORITE quad releases from the 70's.
You're right, I think it's 26 titles. That includes 8 (new) albums in the Chicago box and 4 albums in the Doobies set.
Count me in as one who thinks this latest batch is stellar. It might not be absolute A-level stuff as in Joni, Sabbath or Purple, but it is an extremely interesting batch of diverse, high quality stuff. I would have ordered already if not for the shipping fiasco with the first batch. Just trying to figure out where it's best to order...
We all have & should be able to express our opinions without fear of personal attacks. I've debated a lot today over my opinions without any personal attacks until now. Sorry I didn't know about Jethro Tull's previous quad releases. I don't spend tons of time on this forum nor do I in searching what the latest multichannel releases are, so pardon my obvious ignorance.
Since you've appointed yourself representative of the community that's interested in these discs (by using the royal "we" in your posts instead of "I"), being informed about the latest multichannel releases shouldn't be too much to ask.

Sorry to hear you're not happy with the latest Quadio releases, but I think the point has been made and it's time to move on.
We all have & should be able to express our opinions without fear of personal attacks. I've debated a lot today over my opinions without any personal attacks until now. Sorry I didn't know about Jethro Tull's previous quad releases. I don't spend tons of time on this forum nor do I in searching what the latest multichannel releases are, so pardon my obvious ignorance.
It's ok to be ignorant. There's nothing wrong with not being as in-tune with multichannel releases as many of us here. What I took issue with is you feeling you had the ability to make sweeping statements within that knowledge. Are there perhaps criticisms to be had of Rhino's choice of releases? Maybe, but even as someone relatively intimate with what has been released or has been announced for release, I am not privy to the internal discussions regarding what can be released by Rhino given licensing of titles and other red tape.

It's ok to say "hey, I think there ought to be more rock releases". From a consumer standpoint, it's just saying what you want. But saying that quadio may go down in flames if they don't? I have to raise an eyebrow. Dutton-Vocalion, for example, has been releasing obscure quad mixes for years alongside popular ones. I reckon Rhino is much more knowledgeable on the profitability of their actions than you give them credit for.
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