Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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Bruce Soord have been mixing in Atmos for years, and are in my opinion one of the best. He has done several of of his own band Pineapple Thief albums in Atmos and also his latest solo album. All very good mixes. Also check out the latest Katatonia and Tessaract albums, both has Atmos mixes by Bruce.
As for 5.1 and Quad, I no longer buy them as I have no interest for anything other than Atmos these days. :cool:
Thanks, yep, I've remembered that too and edited Bruce out, but that also goes to underline what I'm saying about this being a watershed moment.

They are just reflections I thought some might be interested in. I do think there's importance in hanging onto one's good quality 5.1 and quads. Atmos is wonderful, but as it establishes itself, especially streaming Atmos, the more treasured our physical 5.1 and quad albums -- classic surround -- could become and opportunities to own them will diminish even further. That was the main point of my reflections that I was hoping to share, not who's now moved to engineering in Atmos and who hasn't. :)
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I need to listen to the album in full; which I didn't have time to do yet. I will check out the tracks you suggest. As far as I can tell everything is configured correctly. Thanks :)

This should be the first thing everyone with a new Atmos setup plays, just to make sure things are firing on all cylinders.

This seems like a very safe muted mix to me and another Atmos mix that 99% of the time forgets the centre channel exists. Listened to Columbia, Slide Away and Rock N Roll and so far nothing made me smile.

Hopefully one day we will get a BD and at least some good will come from this - getting a dynamic stereo mix down.

Seems like much of the extra vocals that are quite clear on the CD are lost, Slide Away has long been a fave of mine but the “all I know is you can take me there” part is really lost in the mix - what a great opportunity it would have been to have the “Slide Awaaaaay” vocal isolated in the centre nice and clearly with the “all I know is you can take me there” coming through the surrounds at a similar volume.

Oh well, just another day of being disappointed in lossy streaming Atmos.

Very much doubt any new stereo mix will sound less dynamically crushed and fatiguing......
I decided to go ahead and purchase a new Apple TV 4k+ and got it all connected up to the system last night. So far I've only listed to a few songs from Tom Petty Wildflowers, U2 Achtung Baby, and a few other random tracks in Atmos on Apple Music. All in all, I'm quite unimpressed ... no discrete stuff in what I listened to. I hope there are more discrete releases on Apple Music...onward we go.
U2 Achtung Baby is incredibly disappointing. Some very discrete selections:
Flaming Lips “Yoshimi battles the pink robots” - not as bonkers as the old 5.1 but still pretty wild.

Yello - Point. “Basic Avenue” is a good example.

Elton John - Rocketman starts very front centric, but then expands. Atmos engineers used to use this track as a demo of how to mix (maybe they still do?)