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I didn’t buy the box but I do want to listen on streaming, so I was going to add it to my playlist and used Siri to search for The Who.

Guess it was too early for either me or Siri because she came back with “boo-hoo” as the search term.

Didn’t know if that was a subtle swipe at me by Siri for not buying the box and missing out on all the package arrivals you folks are seeing.
This turned out to be - way back on July 29th - a very good deal indeed. The pre-order price, then, was €100/$100 less than what it is now retailing for, on release day! Thanks for the tip!
I should have stayed with FNAC but chickened out because I thought I would get it faster by using a Norwegian company. Price overall will be about the same, but I hadn’t factored in that Platekompaniet are using the absolute amateur wankfest that is Helthjem for delivery. It won’t be delivered to my door, but dropped off at their “service” point which is, wait for it…the local Princess outlet. (Princess is a low price bed linen outlet). Estimated “delivery” is Monday. Boo.
LOL! Gotta love UPS tracking. Just a few blocks from my house.

Box was delivered today, from Amazon, $257+ tax so ~$275 ish.

All I can say is the BD & Atmos mixes better be worth it! The box is heavy and loaded with "stuff" - big book, a graphic novel (why??), and a sleeve loaded with goodies (?). No marbles or scarf though ;)

Seriously, while I'm thrilled to get my fav Who songs in Atmos, and the book is very nice, the bulk of the CD's are listen once sessions, live concert, demos, etc. The memorabilia are throwaway extras & even graphic novel to me is kind of pointless.

This $299 set could easily have been pared down to a half the CD's, the BD and sold for $150 or so. Maybe 180 with the book. You guys who bought this for 180 paid what I think is its true value or should be anyway.

I paid as much for this as I did the deluxe DSOTM set and I can't say I will do this again anytime soon. I pulled the BD out to put with all my other surround discs. The rest will go on a credenza shelf next to DSOTM 50th Anniv box set; I doubt I will ever listen to 7 of the 9 discs.

Next to box sets priced like this, Rhino Quadios are a bargain!! The music is all I care about, and surround music is really all I need. Forget the rest of the shit. Back in the day, PF Immersion sets were considered pricey but at $100 they were a bargain vs. these $300 sets loaded with unnecessary crap in an attempt to justify charging this much. The trend line for these box sets seems to be getting worse, with $200-300 becoming the norm.

I hope to be blown away by my favorite Who song, Baba O' Riley, in Atmos. Along with the other hits.
Otherwise, I'll be singing along with Won't Get Fooled Again!
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And....it's here! Yeah, I guess the box is 10 pounds. Good god....
No, haven't opened it yet. Wife is going to be gone tonight, so I'll give it a go then. With some authority. I want to hear Moon's drums slamming.

At least 10 lbs. The 2 books are lead weights.
Look at all them straight roads...last time we had ones like that was when The Romans were here... :D
That’s funny - just yesterday the topic came up that U.S. railroad tracks are always a specific width…because it was carried over from British rails…which themselves were based on Roman cart wheel ruts…go figure! 🇺🇸 🛤️ 🇬🇧 🐴 🇮🇹
Sigh, post person came and went, and no box. Typical. They sometimes wait a day or even two to deliver items that won't fit in my mailbox. If the box is really 10 pounds, they will have to bring it up my driveway, and admittedly that is not easy . . . but still <grrr>.

No message was left like "you weren't at home" so maybe there is still a chance, but I suspect it will be tomorrow at the earliest.

[edit: well, tracker says it is expected by 4:25 now -- different carrier? This is like watching for water to boil, LOL]
Sigh, post person came and went, and no box. Typical. They sometimes wait a day or even two to deliver items that won't fit in my mailbox. If the box is really 10 pounds, they will have to bring it up my driveway, and admittedly that is not easy . . . but still <grrr>.

No message was left like "you weren't at home" so maybe there is still a chance, but I suspect it will be tomorrow at the earliest.
It comes tightly, and very nicely boxed. It will be around 10.5 pounds.
Now it is even worse -- delivery exception:

Latest Update

Your item was forwarded to a different address at 2:21 pm on September 15, 2023 in [deleted]. This was because of forwarding instructions or because the address or ZIP Code on the label was incorrect.
- - - -

I finally discovered the issue: CD Japan had updated the FedEx charges (30 bucks extra because they had the
initial weight incorrect!) and sent me an email two days ago asking for the funds. Damn. I rarely read that email
account and only use it for PayPal, so at least I saw it within the week's time frame before they cancelled!!!

Well, I paid it off, and the package is in town, so . . . here we go waiting even more 😫 .
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No you need to compare it to Japanese Wagyu prices.....

How much does Japanese Wagyu cost?

Here's why wagyu meat is so expensive.

The highest grade Wagyu Price can cost up to $200 per pound. The rarest Wagyu Steak in the world, known as Olive Wagyu can cose $120 to $300 for a steak. Wagyu cows can be 40 times more the price of US cattle. Adult cows can each sell for as much as $30k.May 19, 2022

So this box set is a Bargain. The best I ever had.