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Each amazon site will have different stock policies.
Here in Spain, there have been other SDE boxes or blu-rays that are not available and only the regular CD or vinyl are. Not too much market for expensive boxes -blurays in Spain, I guess.

This time, the item is available in Amazon Spain but not at the local country store. My order (from amazon Spain) shipped yesterday, and today is leaving an Amazon store from France (near Lyon). So will be 3-4 days delivery from shipment, and not for the next day. Does not matter if I am "Prime".

I have had bad experiences recently with bad and simple amazon packaging from Amazon Spain store. As this Who's Next box is coming from abroad, I hope package will be more "premium".

How impatient I am! :cautious:
If it doesn’t arrive in the expected timeframe, Amazon will have to launch a Spanish Inquisition. 😝
I’m a massive fan of SW’s 5.1 and Atmos mixes (particularly his YES 5.1 remixes and the recent and incredible ABC ‘Lexicon’ Atmos mix) but I have to be honest and say that I’m struggling somewhat with the Atmos mix of Who’s Next. I've listened to it three times and my opinion didn’t change. It really brings some elements to the fore (vocal harmonies, guitar overdubs and synths in a BIG way) but the lead vocals, drums and rhythm guitars invariably sound echoey, muddy and buried in the front/centre channel. Shock and awe in the rears! It’s an incredibly fun listen but to me, it’s more of a novelty than in keeping with overall balance of the original recording. The 5.1 mix appears to respect this more but perhaps that’s exactly what he was trying to achieve with the Atmos mix. If I’d been asked to guess who produced the Atmos mix, I would not have said that it was SW. But hey, (and sincerely) what the hell do I know? Maybe I just need more time with it but this is my initial impression and I feel a little disappointed. I’d be interested in the opinion of others regarding the Atmos mix.

While listening to the Atmos I kept thinking, where is the impact of the vocals? What kind of space were the drums placed in? I had to check that something wasn't mis-configured on the processor, which it wasn't. I subsequently listened to the 5.1 version and found the vocals were present and drums not drowning in a wet space. So, what the heck happened to the Atmos mix? very disappointing - but delighted with the 5.1 surround. Since the surround is not available for streaming, that makes this box set invaluable! On the other hand, I would have been perfectly fine not having the heavy books. I am only in it for the music.
This just in…unless it is an elaborate ruse by those crafty Rarewaves devils?! 😈
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While listening to the Atmos I kept thinking, where is the impact of the vocals? What kind of space were the drums placed in? I had to check that something wasn't mis-configured on the processor, which it wasn't. I subsequently listened to the 5.1 version and found the vocals were present and drums not drowning in a wet space. So, what the heck happened to the Atmos mix? very disappointing - but delighted with the 5.1 surround. Since the surround is not available for streaming, that makes this box set invaluable! On the other hand, I would have been perfectly fine not having the heavy books. I am only in it for the music.
The Atmos mixes sound fine on my system. There is almost always EXTREME discrepancy, on QQ, in regard to reviewer reports of the effectiveness of Atmos mixes on our respective systems.
I try to avoid the temptation to conclude that I'm hearing the absolute definitive "best" that an engineer's work can sound.
the box set was supposedly on it's way to me all throughout yesterday morning.. but just after lunchtime Amazon emailed to say it's delayed all of a sudden and they reckon it will now be arriving in 2 weeks' time instead, on October the 3rd! 🤦‍♀️
Are you in Bezos' Prime club?
yes, fully Optimus Prime'd! 😋🤣

If Amazon intercepts my package that recently arrived at the Teterboro, NJ distribution center, then I'll know where they re-routed it to.

Seriously, you're in Prime and they treat you like that? So shameful. Write a letter to Jeff. For your troubles, they will probably send you some coupons for stuff you don't want.
well Amazon UK really outdid themselves this time 🤪🤣

the box set was supposedly on it's way to me all throughout yesterday morning.. but just after lunchtime Amazon emailed to say it's delayed all of a sudden and they reckon it will now be arriving in 2 weeks' time instead, on October the 3rd! 🤦‍♀️

i'd cancel and order elsewhere but it seems to be unavailable at the usual suspects? 👀

Who's Next indeed --- NEXT!!!! 😅🤣
This is who I ordered the Who from, not in stock but say they can deliver in 7-14days, its £230
Yeah, I too am a bit puzzled by some of these comments. The drums sound super-clear and direct to me across the front soundstage in both the 5.1 & Atmos mixes, though there are some fun passages in "The Song Is Over" and "Won't Get Fooled Again" where the fills come crashing all around you. Low-end response is more than adequate for me, at least as good as the original and in some cases seemingly even improved - while listening to the transition from the upmixed "Bargain" (which obviously retains the original mix aesthetic) into the remixed "Love Ain't For Keeping", I felt the sudden increase in 'punch' was not subtle.

I also didn't notice any difference in low-end response or wet/dry balance in the Atmos versus 5.1 once they were level-matched. Spatially, the biggest difference between the two (as I noted earlier in this thread) is that many of the elements placed in the 'phantom sides' in the 5.1 mix are now hard-panned into the physical side speakers for the Atmos presentation.

If I were to have one complaint about the sound, it's that the cymbals do still get to be a bit harsh during the busier passages (just like on the original mix). Also, as on the original, I felt there is a bit of a drop-off in low-end on "Won't Get Fooled Again" versus the rest of the album. I'd hoped Steven could bring it more in-line with the rest of the album in this regard - and he does to some extent - but it's still doesn't quite have the same 'oomph' as the other songs to my ears.

My suspicion is that Glyn Johns had the drum sound mostly dialed in while tracking (via careful mic placement, judicious use of outboard EQ & compression, and intentionally driving the preamps to achieve a natural analog saturation), so what's recorded to tape probably 'is what it is'. Steven basically confirmed this when talking about the Who's Next remix to Rick Beato some months ago, he mentioned having to recreate the reverbs (which were added in the final stereo mix) but the drums straight off the multitrack kind of already sounded like the finished record.
The Atmos mixes sound fine on my system. There is almost always EXTREME discrepancy, on QQ, in regard to reviewer reports of the effectiveness of Atmos mixes on our respective systems.
I try to avoid the temptation to conclude that I'm hearing the absolute definitive "best" that an engineer's work can sound.
I doubt that this would ever happen but, how cool would it be if a handful of QQ forum members on the other side of the pond were given the opportunity to listen to SW Dolby Atmos mixes in SW’s own mixing studio.
I doubt that this would ever happen but, how cool would it be if a handful of QQ forum members on the other side of the pond were given the opportunity to listen to SW Dolby Atmos mixes in SW’s own mixing studio.
I got to listen to Martin Russell's Atmos mixes in his studio, very nice they were as well, as was the new music! So never say never, but I'd agree it was unlikely
I doubt that this would ever happen but, how cool would it be if a handful of QQ forum members on the other side of the pond were given the opportunity to listen to SW Dolby Atmos mixes in SW’s own mixing studio.
He mixes on Genelec's in 7.1.4 I believe. You could set up the same system and hear the mixes 1:1. Not sure what model Genelec he has but I know 12 of my 1032a would be around $20,000. Makes the ARs seem frugal!
My parcel arrived this morning from RAREWAVES in perfect condition! Wrapped carefully in styrofoam and what a BEHEMOTH!
Excellent news - that's great to know. :LB

...a week on I'm still waiting for my delivery in the UK!

To be crystal clear; this is down to the abysmal performance of our "Royal Mail", who are now just a very bad joke. :rolleyes: