Dream Theater - Parasomnia (Atmos!) - Feb 7


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I'll wait to get excited until I found out who mixed it. A View From the top of the World was pretty weak with completely brick walled Left/Right channels. Distance Over Time was better, but far from outstanding. I know metal is more difficult to create an effective surround mix with so much noise going on, but there are some brilliant opportunities with a band like Dream Theater.
I'll wait to get excited until I found out who mixed it. A View From the top of the World was pretty weak with completely brick walled Left/Right channels. Distance Over Time was better, but far from outstanding. I know metal is more difficult to create an effective surround mix with so much noise going on, but there are some brilliant opportunities with a band like Dream Theater.
I concur.
In DT’s defence this is an artbook so not the same as i/o, artbooks always cost a good bit more
oh boy, my bad, I swear I saw a CD case size edition with Blu-Ray as well.

I personally stopped buying into "art books", and now there's a greater chance it's going to be a bunch of AI generated images taking up more real estate space.
The single “Night Terror” is absolutely killer. I’ve been a bit bored by their last two albums, but this sounds fresh and engaging. I’m unlikely to buy a boxed set, though, given the lackluster surround mixes on their last couple of releases. I might risk a stand alone surround release…
I agree, it sounds super to my ears!


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I've listened to the single a couple of times. As expected, zero surprises. It sounds exactly like something that could have been in either Black Clouds & Silver Linings or Systematic Chaos, the last two albums they released before Portnoy's departure. I feel I've heard this song structure and this chorus a hundred times before.

Is that a good or a bad thing? I can only speak for myself, obviously, and it certainly doesn't work for me. Feels like a band going through the motions. Progressive? Well, if creating long songs with some odd time signatures and extended instrumental sections makes you progressive, they still are. To me, progressive should be an attitude, rather than a sound, so they stopped being genuinely progressive many years ago - after Train of Thought, if you ask me.

Yeah, it sounds good, with flawless performances, but that's expected from these excellent musicians. It's their songwriting what doesn't excite me at all anymore. Maybe the rest of the album will be different? Maybe.

As usual, YMMV.